

The Literature Research on the Original Edition of TCM Ancient Book Zhiyuan Yizhong
摘要 [目的]对日本国立公文书馆馆藏的《芷园医种》明代刻本进行版本考证,尝试解决本书成书过程、版本源流方面存在的争议。[方法]对《芷园医种》存世各版本的收录内容、装订顺序、牌记、序跋、版式特征等进行横向比对,参据有关文献史料,考证新发现版本的刊刻年代,同时梳理本书的刊刻编订过程,还原初刻本原貌。[结果]日本国立公文书馆馆藏《芷园医种》明代刻本,国内未见馆藏著录。经考证,该版本刊刻于明万历四十八年(1620),题名、收录内容及刊刻时间均符合初刻本特征。后世在此版本基础上,根据《芷园医种》明天启四年(1624)刻本增补了三则序言及《芷园臆草勘方》《芷园臆草存案》,由此形成了这一藏本木刻与手抄兼有、版框前后不一、总序反在之后的独特形态。[结论]确定日本国立公文书馆馆藏明万历四十八年刻本为《芷园医种》初刻版本,并还原初刻版本原貌,对明确本书成书、刊印过程,厘清版本源流,具有积极意义。 [Objective]To conduct textual research on the Ming Dynasty edition of Zhiyuan Yizhong stored in National Archieves of Japan,and to resolve the disputes in the process of making the book and the origin of the edition.[Methods]Based on horizontal comparison of the contents,binding sequence,plate record,preface,postscript and format characteristics of the existing editions of Zhiyuan Yizhong,combined with relevant documents and historical materials,researching the date of printing and editing of the newly discovered edition.At the same time,analyzing the process of printing and editing,sorting out the publishing,editing and editing process of the book,and restoring the original appearance of the engraved version.[Results]The edition of Ming Dynasty found in the course of researching editions of Zhiyuan Yizhong,is housed in National Archieves of Japan,and has never been recorded in China.According to research,this edition was published in 1620,the 48th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty,meanwhile the title,content and time of publication were in consistent with the characteristics of the original edition.On the basis of this edition,three preambles and Zhiyuan Yicao Kanfang and Zhiyuan Yicao Cun'an were added according to the edition of 4th year of Tianqi(1624)of Zhiyuan Yizhong,thus forming the unique form of this collection.[Conclusion]It is of positive significance to confirm that the engraved version of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty in the National Archieves of Japan is the first engraved version of Zhiyuan Yizhong,and to restore the original appearance of the engraved version is helpful to clarifying the process of the book's production and publication,as well as the origin of the edition.
作者 李晓寅 江凌圳 LI Xiaoyin;JIANG Lingzhen(Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou,310007,China;Tongde Hospial of Zhejiang Prorince)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第9期1039-1044,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 国家中医药管理局“中华医藏”提要编撰项目(KJS-ZHYZ-2020-020)。
关键词 芷园医种 卢复 钱塘医派 浙派中医 版本 考证 Zhiyuan Yizhong LU Fu Qiantang medical school Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine bibliology textual research
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