

Research on the academic characteristics of differentiation,treatment and recovery of epidemic diseases in the Quan Guo Ming Yi Yan An Lei Bian
摘要 《全国名医验案类编》由清代著名医家何廉臣征集编纂而成,内容宏富,纲目分明,按语精妙,是中医治疗急性外感热病的重要参考资料,具有很高的理论研究与临床实践价值。本文通过对《全国名医验案类编八大传染病案》中的疫病医案进行分类归纳与解析,总结出何廉臣包括将六淫偏向性作为重要发病诱因,重视外感病与患者个人体质因素之结合,中西医理论融合汇通施治,疫病康复期注重个性化调养护理在内的四大疫病辨治及康复特色,并与现代疫病研究结合进行探讨,以期探究何氏疫病诊治思想历久弥新之精华,体现其在当代疫病治疗中的指导作用与实践意义。 Quan Guo Ming Yi Yan An Lei Bian(Case Reports of Effective Treatment by Nationwide Renowned Physicians Arranged by Category),compiled by He Lianchen,a famous doctor of the Qing Dynasty,is a masterpiece for the treatment of acute externally-contracted febrile diseases in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).It is known for the tremendous amount of valuable medical records it contains,which are arranged in well-defined categories,and the carefully written comments beside each of them.The book is therefore of great value for theoretical research and clinical practice.By analyzing the syndrome differentiation and treatment of epidemic diseases in the chapter Ba Da Chuan Ran Bing An(Case Records of Eight Infectious Diseases),this paper summarizes the characteristics of He’s medical theory:He deemed the six pathogenic factors as an important inducement for diseases,and emphasized the combination of externally-contracted febrile diseases with physical differences of individuals,the integration of TCM and Western medicine treatment,and personalized care during recovery.In addition,his ideas were examined in the context of modern medical studies,so as to explore the essence of He’s thinking on the diagnosis and treatment of epidemic diseases,and to discover its guiding role and practical significance in the modern era.
作者 李儒婷 毛萌 张翼飞 王若冲 马捷 何青鋆 宋丹丹 于清茜 李峰 LI Ruting;MAO Meng;ZHANG Yifei;WANG Ruochong;MA Jie;HE Qingjun;SONG Dandan;YU Qingxi;LI Feng(School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102488)
出处 《现代中医临床》 2023年第5期47-52,共6页 Modern Chinese Clinical Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局中医药创新团队及人才支持计划项目(No.ZYYCXTD-C-202006) 北京中医药大学中医经典理论挖掘与传承专项(No.2021-JYB-ZYWJCC004)。
关键词 何廉臣 全国名医验案类编 疫病 传染病 医案 He Lianchen Quan Guo Ming Yi Yan An Lei Bian epidemic diseases infectious diseases case reports
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