

Interlock,Impact and Repair:The Nihilistic Risk of Red Belief among Young People in the New Era
摘要 红色信仰内在于无产阶级追求自由、解放与幸福的实践逻辑之中,是立足于现代社会而展开的指向未来美好幸福生活的独特信仰范式。由于技术控制与时空流动引致生存方式多维演嬗、思潮渗透与资本逻辑引致社会心态秩序失衡、发展阻力与伦理变迁引致矛盾冲突层叠显现等多重因素的甦生与杂糅,新时代青年红色信仰之虚无风险呈现出扭曲马克思主义信仰观的意义彰显、窒碍主流意识形态的共识凝聚、消解中华民族记忆的价值蕴含等多重危害。红色信仰影响个人的价值取向、映射民族的精神面貌、关乎国家的前途命运,基于培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人的本质规定性,应筑牢新时代青年红色信仰大厦基石、塑造新时代青年红色信仰历史记忆、讲好讲深讲透红色信仰宏伟故事,在历史主动、精神自省、文化自觉中规避红色信仰之虚无风险引致的信仰危殆。 Red belief lies in the practical logic of the proletariat's pursuit of freedom,liberation and happiness,and is a unique belief paradigm based on modern society that points to a better and happier life in the future.Due to the emergence and combination of multiple factors,such as technological control and space-time flow leading to the multi-dimensional evolution of living style,ideological infiltration and capital logic leading to the imbalance of social mentality and order,development resistance and ethical change leading to the emergence of contradictions and conflicts,the nihilistic risk of young people's red belief in the new era presents multiple hazards,such as distorting the significance of Marxist belief view,obstructing the consensus cohesion of mainstream ideology,and dispelling the value implication of Chinese national memory.Red faith affects the value orientation of individuals,reflects the spiritual outlook of the nation,and is related to the future and destiny of the country.Based on the essence of training new people who take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation,it is necessary to build the cornerstone of the red faith building of young people,shape the historical memory of young people in the new era,and tell the grand story of Red faith well and deeply,avoid the nihilistic risk of the red belief caused by the crisis of faith in the historical initiative,spiritual self-examination and cultural self-consciousness.
作者 邹贵波 ZOU Guibo(School of Marxism,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China;The Yangming Cultural Academy of Guizhou,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550001,China)
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第5期65-72,80,共9页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目:陌生人社会境遇下道德冷漠防控机制研究,项目编号:21YJC710094。
关键词 新时代青年 红色信仰 信仰虚无 虚无风险 new era youth red faith belief in nothingness nothingness risk
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