

Research Hotspots and Trends Related to Japan's Perceptions of China in the Worldwide:A Bibliometrics Analysis Based on Multilingual Literature Data
摘要 随着国际形势和中日关系的变化,当代日本社会对华认识的相关研究日益成为国际学术界研究的重要课题。除传统的中文、日文文献外,本文将英文文献作为日本对华认识研究的第三方主体纳入分析范围,运用不同语种的文献计量分析软件分别对J-STAGE、CAJD和WoS数据库论文的关键词进行量化统计和可视化分析,通过多地区视角呈现了该课题研究重点在不同语种数据库文献中的特点和差异,并在此基础上剖析生成这种差异的国家社会背景机制。研究发现,日文文献更加结合日本社会问题,围绕其人口、地方问题展开与中国相关的认识和研究。中文文献中的对华认识研究成果呈现了对经济尤其是中小企业的高度关注。而英文文献则更明显地关注政治、外交中的日本对华政策,也更偏向将中日两国纳入东亚地区进行研究。其中隐藏的是中日两国经济地位逆转带来的研究范式转换、日本经济泡沫破灭后日趋严峻的经济和人口问题影响以及美国在亚洲地区妄图通过制衡地缘政治关系获取长期利益等背景要素。而这种差异提示我们,探讨对华认识时需要厘清对话主体之间存在的深层差异,同时要留意到在认识和被认识主体的二元结构以外世界其他国家的分析视角。 With the changes in the international situation and Sino-Japanese relations,studying contemporary Japanese society's cognition of China has become an increasingly important topic.In addition to the traditional Chinese and Japanese literature,this paper includes English literature as a third-party subject of the research on Japan's understanding of China in the scope of analysis.It uses the bibliometric analysis software of different languages to quantify the keywords and visualize the keywords of the papers in the J-STAGE,CAJD,and WoS databases to present,through the perspective of multi-region,the characteristics of and differences between the focuses of the research on this topic in the literature of the databases of different languages,and based on this,the study also analyzes the mechanism of national social background that generates such differences.It is found that Japanese literature is more integrated with its social issues,centering on its population and local issues to develop China-related awareness and research.The research results on Japan's cognition of China in the Chinese literature show a high focus on the economy,especially on small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs).The English literature,on the other hand,focuses more obviously on Japan's policy towards China in politics and diplomacy and favors including China and Japan in East Asia for research.Hidden within this are contextual elements such as the paradigm shift brought about by the reversal of the economic status of China and Japan,the impact of the increasingly severe economic and demographic problems in Japan after the bursting of the economic bubble,and the United States delusional attempts to gain long-term benefits in Asia by checking and balancing geopolitical relations,and so on.This difference suggests the need to clarify the deep-seated differences between the dialogue subjects when exploring congnitions of China while noting the existence of perspectives from the rest of the world outside of the binary construct of cognizing and being cognized as subjects.
作者 雷嘉璐 Lei Jialu
出处 《日本研究》 2023年第3期11-26,共16页 Japan Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“当代日本对华舆论形成的结构和机制研究”(项目编号:16BXW051)。
关键词 日本对华认识 文献计量分析 中日关系 Japan's Cognition of China Bibliometric Analysis Sino-Japanese Relations
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