

The Geneva Naval Disarmament Conference and the Anglo-American Game Over the Transfer of Maritime Power
摘要 在历史上大国权力转移的过程中,守成国与崛起国之间的互动不仅以激烈的正面军事冲突呈现,还以外交博弈的形态频繁出现,其过程呈现非线性与复杂性的特征。英美海权转移作为英美权力转移的核心内容之一,1921年的华盛顿会议被认为是其海权转移的标志性事件。但两次世界大战期间的英美海权转移并不是线性过程,这突出体现在1927年召开的日内瓦海军裁军会议上:英国全力以赴企图“重返太平洋”,以夺回在该地区已然衰落的海权,而美国则全力拒止。在日内瓦会议上,围绕着维护还是修改《五国海军条约》和对海权具有举足轻重影响的巡洋舰吨位配额等重要问题,英美展开了激烈的外交博弈,最终因为两国间存在巨大分歧而宣告会议破裂。这一结果延缓了美国海权崛起的步伐,英国也有限度地延缓了其海权衰落,验证了海权转移的非线性特征。 In the process of power transfer of great powers in history,the interaction between the defending country and the rising country is not only presented in the form of fierce frontal military conflict,but also frequently appears in the form of diplomatic game,and its process is characterized by non-linearity and complexity.As one of the core contents of Anglo-American power transfer,the Washington Conference of 1921 is considered as the landmark event of the transfer of sea power,but the transfer of Anglo-American sea power during the two world wars was not a linear process,which was highlighted in the Geneva Naval Disarmament Conference of 1927:Britain went all out to“return to the Pacific”to regain its position in the Pacific Ocean,while the United States resisted with all its might.At the Geneva Conference,Britain and the U.S.engaged in a fierce diplomatic struggle over whether to maintain or revise the Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty and the Tonnage Quotas for Cruisers,which were crucial to sea power,and the Conference eventually broke down because of the huge gap between the two countries.This result slowed down the rise of American sea power,and Britain also delayed the decline of its sea power to a limited extent,thus verifying the non-linear characteristics of the transfer of sea power.
作者 李书剑 洪邮生 Li Shujian;Hong Yousheng(History college,School of International Studies,Collaborative Innovation Center of South China Sea Studies,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210023,China;School of International Studies,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210023,China)
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期154-166,共13页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 江苏省社会科学基金重点项目“近代以来国际体系的演变与大国关系互动研究”(14LSA002)的阶段性成果。
关键词 英美海权转移 太平洋海权 日内瓦会议 海军裁军谈判 transfer of Anglo-American sea power Pacific sea power Geneva Conference naval disarmament negotiations
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