
数治城乡的中国实践:从理想形态到悖论超越 被引量:1

Chinese Practice in Urban-Rural Digital Governance:From Ideal Form to Paradox Transcendence
摘要 从数字思维、数字经济、数字生活到数字治理,数字技术和基层治理的融合正在形成中国式城乡数治体。在城乡数字治理框架中,感知层、交互层、平台层、应用层环环相扣,使城乡治理由人际互动转向人机互动,进而演变成数据与数据之间的转换整合,一种“数字自适应”的治理格局逐渐形成。它将社会事实化简成可通约和可换算的数据,而治理秩序就成为解决一个又一个问题的循环计算过程。城乡问题的呈现渠道被数据结构限定,被数据定义的问题经过化简和层层转译,已不是问题本身,而问题的生成不会停止,新问题以及对应的新数字技术不断出现,这是数治城乡难以避免的复杂性化简悖论。另外,跑在前头的数字化生存与相对稳定的治理规则、科层系统之间的异步性和不完全适配成为数治城乡的困境之源。因此,必须厚植技术深嵌治理的社会生态土壤,完善技术适配治理的制度支持体系,重塑技术赋能治理的多元协同能力,从而拓展治理技术的在地性、适应性、包容性,找寻技术与治理之间的适配融通之道。 From digital thinking,digital economy,digital life to digital governance,the integration of digital technology and grassroots governance is forming a Chinese-style urban-rural digital governance system.In the framework of urban-rural digital governance,the layers of perception,interaction,platform and application are interconnected,shifting urban-rural governance from interpersonal interaction to human-computer interaction,further evolving into the conversion and integration of data between data,and gradually forming a“digital self-adaptive”governance pattern.It simplifies social realities into data that can be communicated and calculated,and the governance order becomes a cyclical computational process of solving one problem after another.The channels for presenting urban-rural issues are constrained by data structures,and after being simplified and transliterated,the problems defined by data are not the problems themselves.But the generation of problems will never stop,and the new problems and the corresponding new digital technologies emerge constantly.This is an inevitable complexity reduction paradox in digital urban-rural governance.In addition,the asynchronous and incomplete adaptability between the leading digital survival and relatively stable governance rules and bureaucratic systems has become the source of the dilemma of digital urban-rural governance.Therefore,it is necessary to cultivate a social ecological soil in which technology is deeply embedded in governance,improve the institutional support system that adapts technology to governance,reshape the multi-party collaborative ability that empowers technology for governance,so as to expand the adaptability and inclusivity of governance technology,and find a way to adapt and integrate technology with governance.
作者 刘威 Liu Wei
出处 《中州学刊》 北大核心 2023年第11期77-84,共8页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 2022年度人民政协理论专项研究课题“人民政协参与公共事务协同治理的优势与路径研究”(2021ZX03005) 2022年度廉政建设专项研究课题“提升基层协同监督治理效能的实践路径研究”(2022LZY005)。
关键词 数治城乡 城乡数治体 数字自适应 数字依赖 技术适配治理 urban-rural digital governance urban-rural digital governance system digital self-adaptive digital dependency technology-adapted governance
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