
高压输电线路地线融冰技术的研究 被引量:1

Research on Ground Wire Ice Melting Technology of High-Voltage Transmission Line
摘要 架空地线未完全绝缘,遇到严重覆冰时无法采取架空地线直接融冰的措施,导致杆塔损坏、线路停运。为此,本文根据融冰机理对比了常见的融冰方法,并提出3种地线融冰方案,即地线串联回路方式、地线并联方式、长线路分段方式,从整体提高高压输电线路的融冰能力及范围,以进一步提高输电线路的可靠性。 The overhead ground wire is not fully insulated,and when encountering severe icing,direct melting measures cannot be taken for the overhead ground wire,resulting in tower damage and line shutdown.Therefore,this paper compares common ice melting methods based on the mechanism of ice melting and proposes three ground wire ice melting schemes,namely the series circuit method of ground wires,the parallel connection method of ground wires,and the segmented method of long lines,in order to improve the overall ice melting capacity and range of high-voltage transmission lines and further improve the reliability of transmission lines.
作者 雷明振 张源 许文涛 LEI Mingzhen;ZHANG Yuan;XU Wentao(China Southern Power Grid Extra High-Voltage Power Transmission Company Liuzhou Branch,Liuzhou,Guangxi 545006,China)
出处 《自动化应用》 2023年第20期127-129,共3页 Automation Application
关键词 输电线路 冰设 地线融冰 融冰装置 transmission line ice setting ground wire ice melting ice melting device
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