

On the Style of Translated Poems in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China
摘要 清末民初译诗在诗体上呈现六种体式:诗经体,楚辞体,五七言,词曲体,杂言体,白话自由体。影响译诗诗体选择的因素有原诗属性及题材、译者的文学感受及个人偏好、诗意传达的需求等。六种体式总体上表现出由文言向白话,由古典诗体向自由诗体的演进;在此过程中,“五四”新诗运动发挥了重要的理论指导作用。清末民初译诗的诗体递嬗,折射出中国诗歌革故鼎新的步履。总结译诗体式,正是探究该时期译诗诗体演变,进而考察新诗生成过程不可或缺的关键一步。 The translated poems in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China showed six styles:the style of the Book of Songs,the style of Chu Ci,the style of five or seven characters,the style of Ci and Qu,the style of irregular words and sentences and the free style of vernacular.The factors affecting the choice of poetic style of translated poetry include the attributes and themes of the original poetry,the transla-tor's literary feelings and personal preferences,the need for sentence meaning transmission and so on.The six styles generally show the evolu-tion from classical Chinese to vernacular,from classical poetry to free poetry.In this process,the May 4th new poetry movement played an im-portant theoretical guiding role.The evolution of the poetic style of translated poetry in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China re-flects the steps of the reform of Chinese poetry.Summarizing the style of translated poetry is an indispensable key step to explore the evolution of the style of translated poetry in this period,and then to investigate the generation process of new poetry.
作者 李向阳 LI Xiangyang(Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development,Henan University,Kaifeng Henan,475001,China)
出处 《安庆师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期36-42,共7页 Journal of Anqing Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国文学学术现代化进程研究”(21&ZD263)。
关键词 清末民初 译诗体式 诗体演进 late Qing dynasty and early republic of China style of translation poetic style evolution
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