

The archaeological perspective on Da-Xia during Zhang Qian's era:The final phase of Ai Khanoum
摘要 “大夏”之地,较为广泛地为中原人所知,见于张骞出使西域回来后向汉武帝的报告中,其地望所在,在“大宛(费尔干纳盆地)东南二千余里、妫水(阿姆河)南”,即今阿富汗北部、兴都库什山以北的阿姆河上游两岸地区。“大夏”是张骞亲身访问的四个中亚大国之一,汉武帝曾对其表现出格外的兴趣,“数问骞大夏之属”,通乌孙、事西南夷皆由此而来。在张骞笔下,大夏是一个土著定居、城邑林立、民弱畏战的国度,是可以“招来而为外臣”的对象。不过,迄今为止,学术界对张骞到达时期的大夏城郭仍不甚了解。在大夏考古发现的诸多城址中,阿伊·哈努姆(Ai Khanoum)是发掘规模最大、时间最长、了解情况最多的城址。根据发掘者的分期,阿伊·哈努姆的最后使用阶段与张骞到达的时间相差不多。本文拟结合阿伊·哈努姆的考古材料,尤其是其最后阶段的资料,对张骞时代大夏地区的历史状况进行初步考察。 The land of Bactria is widely known by the people in Central Plain,and can be seen in Zhang Qian's report to the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty after his mission to the Western Regions.It was described as"Over two thousand lǐsoutheast of Dayuan,[and]south of the Amu river",which corresponds to the areas in northern Afghanistan,on the both banks of the upper Amu river lying to the north of the Hindu Kush Mountain nowadays."Da-Xia"(大夏),or Bactria was one of the four Central Asian countries that had been visited by Zhang Qian personally,and had been of great interests for the Emperor Wu,who"had asked Qian the details of Da-Xia multiple times".The initiatives to contacts both Wusun and the barbarian nations in the south-west were stemmed from it.In Zhang Qian's accounts,DaXia was a country occupied by its original population;it is full of buran settlements,and the people were weak and feared of war.He believed it was a good candidate that can be"won over and turned into the subjects abroad".However,until now,little is known about the Bactrian urban settlements by the time of Zhang Qian's arrival.Among many settlement sites discovered by the archaeology of Bactria,Ai Khanoum is the one that was excavated in the largest scale and for the longest time,and also the most well-known.Based on the periodisation of excavators,the final phase of Ai Khanoum was roughly the same time as Zhang Qian's arrival.Based on the archaeological materials of Ai Khanoum,especially those from the final phase,this article aims to conduct a preliminary study on the historical situation of the Bactrian area during Zhang Qian's era.
作者 陈晓露 Chen Xiaolu
出处 《西域研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期99-112,168,共15页 The Western Regions Studies
基金 中国人民大学科研基金团队培育计划“中亚早期城址考古资料的整理与研究”(批准号:20XNQ021)项目成果。
关键词 阿伊·哈努姆 大夏 西域城址 中亚考古 Ai Khanoum Da-Xia Urban settlements in western regions Central Asian archaeology
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