

Simulation framework for hose-drogue aerial refueling system based on MBD-CF Dmethod
摘要 随着无人加油等新兴应用场景的出现,软管-锥套式空中加油技术近年来重新得到了航空工业界的重点关注。使用计算机数值模拟手段对空中加油系统进行流体-动力学仿真,已成为空中加油系统设计、研发和飞行测试评估中的必备手段。一方面,基于工程简化模型的软管-锥套仿真方法的数值模拟精度难以满足实际需求,另一方面,完全基于非定常计算流体力学(CFD)的耦合仿真方法计算量较大,在有限计算资源条件下难以满足快速设计迭代与多参数优化的计算效率需求。通过将多个求解层次的流固耦合分析工具有机结合,建立了基于多体动力学(MBD)和CFD的加油机软管-锥套装置的耦合仿真框架和方法。对典型加油机-软管-锥套组合体的全尺寸构型和缩比构型进行了数值模拟,通过多个算例验证了本方法的可信性。通过将非定常CFD方法与基于气动建模的尾迹流场动态插值方法结合,可将后者的计算精度提高至与非定常CFD方法相当,同时将计算量减小2个数量级以上,从而实现了计算精度和效率的兼顾。 Hose-drogue aerial refueling technology developed new applications including UAVs in recent years,leading to renewed research and investment.Simulation of aerial refueling systems with the numerical method has become indispensable in the design,development and flight test of the refueling system.However,the accuracy of engineering simplified models cannot meet the practical need.On the other hand,the coupling method based on the unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)method requires large amounts of computation resources and cannot satisfy fast design iteration and optimization.This study develops a new hose-drogue refueling simulation framework based on Multiple Body Dynamics(MBD)and CFD.Multiple validation examples are performed for the typical refueling system with full scale and scaling models.By combining the unsteady CFD,aerodynamic modeling method and time-based interpolation method,the current simulation method achieves the same accuracy with the unsteady CFD-MBD method while reducing computation resource to less than 1/100.
作者 刘钒 黄霞 马率 张露 崔兴达 鲍鑫彪 LIU Fan;HUANG Xia;MA Shuai;ZHANG Lu;CUI Xingda;BAO Xinbiao(China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China)
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第20期96-109,共14页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(12102446)。
关键词 空中加油仿真 软管-锥套 多体动力学 多学科耦合 CFD aerial refueling hose-drogue multiple body dynamics multidiscipline simulation CFD
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