Education for international students is an important part of China's education program.It has become an important issue to let international students understand the real China more deeply,introduce China to the world,and play a positive role in promoting the peopleto-people communication among people from different countries.Based on the concept of multicultural education,the study explores the case study of"Women in China's Economic Development"to find out how to make international students from developing countries understand China and connect with China,and then become active storytellers of China.The study discusses the course design and several types of courses.The study discusses the curriculum design and several different teaching practices,including comparative teaching practices on the theme of women's participation in economic development,classroom group discussions on women's participation in rural revitalization to expand the depth and breadth of the topic,digital new media promotion on women's participation in the realization of comprehensive well-offness,participatory observation of women's online entrepreneurial practices,and a problem-oriented group interview study on the status of women's development,The digital media push,participatory observation teaching on women's online entrepreneurial practice,problem-oriented group interview research on women's development situation,face-to-face on-site research practice of rural women,are all explorations of the teaching practice of course ideology in the case study program for international students.
Ye Hongyu(School of International Education,China Women's College)
International students
Curriculum civic and political studies
Multicultural education
People-to-people contacts