

Research on the medication law of Professor YANG Bingxiu in treating infertility based on data mining
摘要 目的:采用数据挖掘方法研究杨秉秀教授治疗不孕症的用药规律。方法:选取2010年1月―2019年1月杨秉秀教授治疗的不孕症患者168例、共计1 186诊次的处方资料,用Excel建立医案数据库,采用数据挖掘中的Apriori算法进行药物归经分析及关联规则分析,探讨杨秉秀教授治疗不孕症的学术经验。结果:1 186诊次的处方中共使用159味中药,20 358次。经数据规范化处理,出现频率> 15%的药物为高频使用药物,频次居前10位中药由高到低排序依次为丹参、黄芪、甘草、赤芍、桃仁、菟丝子、当归、香附、茯苓、党参;药物功效方面,频次居前4位的为补虚类、活血化瘀类、理气类、利水渗湿类;药物归经方面,以肝、脾、肾为主;四气五味方面,使用的药性偏温、平、寒;药物以甘味药、苦味药及辛味药为主;关联规则分析方面,提示核心药对主要为丹参-赤芍、桃仁-赤芍、丹参-桃仁、黄芪-党参、当归-熟地黄、川芎-熟地黄、赤芍-皂角刺、桃仁-皂角刺、丹参-皂角刺、丹参-鸡血藤,体现杨老治疗不孕症攻补兼施,疏肝解郁、活血通络、温经散寒、化痰除湿治其标,健脾益肾、调养气血固其本。结论:数据挖掘结果在一定程度上客观反映了杨老治疗不孕症的基本用药规律,为临床治疗不孕症提供借鉴和参考。 Objective:To study the medication law of Professor YANG Bingxiu in treating infertility based on data mining.Methods:The prescription data of 168 infertility patients treated by Professor YANG Bingxiu from January 2010 to January 2019,with a total of 1186 visits,was selected,and the medical case database was established by Excel.The Apriori algorithm in data mining was used to conduct drug normalization analysis and association rule analysis,and Professor YANG Bingxiu’s academic experience in the treatment of infertility was discussed.Results:A total of 159 TCM medicines were used in 1186 visits,with a frequency of 20358.After data normalization,the drugs with frequency>15%were used frequently.The top ten TCM medicines were Danshen(Salvia miltiorrhiza),Huangqi(Radix astragalus),Gancao(Licorice),Chishao(Radix paeoniae),Taoren(Peach kernel),Tusizi(Dodder),Danggui(Angelica sinensis),Xiangfu(Radix rhizome),Fuling(Poria codonopsis)and Dangshen(Radix codonopsis).In terms of drug efficacy,the top four in frequency were tonifying deficiency,promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis,regulating Qi(气),and clearing water and dampness;In terms of meridian returning,liver,spleen and kidney returning drugs were the major drugs;In terms of four properties and five tastes,the main drugs were warm,mild and cold in nature and the main drugs were sweet drugs,bitter drugs and pungent drugs.The analysis of association rules suggested that the core drug pairs were mainly Danshen-Chishao,Taoren-Chishao,Danshen-Taoren,Huangqi-Dangshen,Danggui-Shudihuang(Ripe rehmannia),Chuanxiong(Ligusticum chuanxiong)-Shudihuang,Chishao-Zaojiaoci(Gleditsia sinensis thorn),Taoren-Zaojiaoci,Danshen-Zaojiaoci,Danshen-Jixueteng(Suberect spatholobus),which embodies Master YANG’s treatment of infertility with attacking and tonifying,soothing liver and Qi,activating blood and collaterals,warming channels and dispelling cold,eliminating phlegm and removing dampness to relieve the symptoms,strengthening spleen and kidney,regulating Qi and blood to strengthen its essence.Conclusion:The data mining results objectively reflect the basic drug use law of Master YANG in the treatment of infertility to a certain extent,and provide reference for the clinical treatment of infertility.
作者 谭雅莉 徐慧 肖海鹏 徐莹 TAN Yali;XU Hui;XIAO Haipeng;XU Ying
出处 《中医临床研究》 2023年第27期141-145,共5页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 湖南省中医药科研计划项目重点课题(201731)。
关键词 不孕症 数据挖掘 用药规律 Infertility Data mining Medication law
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