

The Contemporary Construction of a Community for the Chinese Nation from Liang Qichao's New Citizen Thought
摘要 梁启超新民思想形成于中华民族救亡图存的时代背景下,新民思想阐发的民族国家观、集体主义观、国民教育观具有显著的历史进步性。新民思想民族国家观的人民性特征,启示当代中华民族共同体建设要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,高度重视人民的生存权、发展权和其他各项基本权利保障。新民思想集体主义观将"道德革命"作为"建群"的核心策略,启示当前应加强新时代公民道德体系建设,以道德引领培养堪当民族复兴大任的时代新人。新民思想国民教育观将开展国民教育作为新民理想的实践路径,启示当代中华民族共同体建设应全方位构建中华民族共同体教育体系,引导各族人民牢固树立正确的国家观、民族观、历史观、文化观、宗教观。 Liang Qichao's new citizen thought was formed under the background of the times when the Chinese nation was saving the nation from subjugation and striving for survival.The concepts of nation-state,collectivism and national education elucidated in new citizen thought are of remarkable historical progressiveness.People-oriented characteristics contained in the na-tion-state concept of new citizen thought reveal that the contemporary construction of a commu-nity for the Chinese nation should adhere to the people-centered development thought and at-tach great importance to the protection of the people's rights to subsistence and development and other basic rights.The collectivism view of new citizen thought regards"moral revolution"as the core strategy of"group building",which enlightens us that we should strengthen the con-struction of citizen's moral system in the new era,and under the guidance of morality cultivate new people of the era who can take the great responsibility of national rejuvenation.The nation-al education concept of the new citizen thought regards the development of national education as a practical path to achieve the ideal of the new citizen,which inspires the contemporary con-struction of a community for the Chinese nation to build a comprehensive education system of a community for the Chinese nation,guides people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish correct national,ethnic,historical,cultural,and religious views.
作者 张赛 Zhang Sai(School of Ethnology and Sociology,South-Central Minzu University,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期31-41,共11页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"武陵山区多民族疫病防治知识的医学人类学研究"(项目编号:22CMZ017)。
关键词 中华民族共同体 梁启超 新民思想 中华优秀传统文化 国民教育 a community for the Chinese nation Liang Qichao new citizen thought fine tradi-tional Chinese culture national education
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