

Creating life’s“Lines of Flight”——Interpretation of the Character images in Beauvoir’s Les Inseparables
摘要 法国哲学家德勒兹与伽塔利“逃逸线”理论中的三种“线”象征着波伏瓦的自传性小说《形影不离》中三位主人公的命运:帕斯卡如“克分子线”循规蹈矩,安德蕾如“分子线”左右摇摆,希尔维如“逃逸线”偏离正轨。它们相互干扰又相互交织,共同编织出20世纪初法国社会的文化图卷。三种人物形象在宗教信仰、人生道路和感情生活方面辖域化、相对解辖域化与绝对解辖域化的过程,揭示了主人公命运悲剧的社会根源,体现了波伏瓦对个人与社会关系问题的哲学性思考,即偏离正轨的反叛精神有助于破除父权制社会的中心主义与二元对立模式的枷锁。 There lines of the theory of“Lines of Flight”of French philosophers Deleuze and Guattari symbolize the fates of the three protagonists in Beauvoir’s autobiographical novel les inseparables:Pascal follows the rules like the“molar line”,Andrée swings from side to side like the“molecular line”,and Sylvie goes off the track like the“lines of flight”.They interfere with and interweave with th each other,writing together the cultural scroll of early 20 French society.The process of the three characters’territorialization,rela-tive deterritorialization and absolute deterritorialization in the aspects of religious belief,life path and emotional life reveals the social root of the tragic fate of the protagonists,and reflects Beauvoir’s philosophical thinking on the relationship between individuals and so-ciety,that is,the rebellious spirit that deviates from the right track contributes to break the shackles of centralism and dualistic opposi-tion mode of patriarchal society.
作者 张鑫璐 文卫平 Zhang Xinlu;Wen Weiping(School of Literature and Journalism,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan Hunan 411105,China;School of Foreign Languages,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha Hunan 410114,China;School of Foreign Languages,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan Hunan 411105,China)
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2023年第5期96-100,共5页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
基金 湖南省教育厅一般项目“西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦小说中的存在主义思想研究”(21C0210)。
关键词 波伏瓦 《形影不离》 德勒兹 逃逸线 Beauvoir Les inseparables Deleuze Line of Flight
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