
阵列式阻性消声器传递损失计算模型 被引量:1

Calculation model of transmission loss for arrayed elements dissipative silencers
摘要 针对气流通道彼此独立且截面尺寸较小的直管式阻性消声器,Belov基于声波导管理论推导了其消声量计算公式,但该公式不适用于气流通道彼此连通且截面尺寸较大的阵列式阻性消声器。为此,提出了一种阵列式消声器消声量计算方法。将阵列式消声器划分为周期性排列的消声单元,每个消声单元包含1个吸声柱。分别参照扩张式消声器和直管阻性消声器计算消声单元的抗性部分(进出口气流通道截面突变处)和阻性部分消声量的理论值TL1和TL2。在此基础上,采用有限元法仿真得到消声器消声量仿真值TLs,基于阻性部分消声量仿真值和理论值的比值(TLs-TL1)/TL2,拟合确定各倍频带阻性消声量修正函数Nf,即修正后的消声量理论值计算模型为TL′t=TL1+TL2·Nf。作为算例,建立了多孔吸声材料流阻率为11425 Pa·s/m2时适用于不同结构尺寸的阵列式消声器消声量计算模型。实测结果验证表明,各倍频带修正后的消声量理论值与实测值绝对误差均小于3 dB。当吸声材料的流阻率与算例中取值相差较大时,消声量计算模型需参照该研究所述方法另行建立。 Aiming to pipeline dissipative silencers with independent airflow channels and small cross-section size,Belov derived the calculation formula of noise elimination based on sonic catheter theory.This formula was not suitable for arrayed elements dissipative silencers with interconnected airflow channels and large cross-section size.For this reason,this study proposed a calculation method of noise elimination for arrayed elements silencers.The arrayed elements silencer was divided into periodically arranged silencing units and each silencing unit contained a sound-absorbing column.Each silencing unit was simplified as an expanded muffler and a pipeline dissipative silencer respectively and the theoretical values TL1 and TL2 of the resistant part(a sudden change of cross-section at inlet and outlet of airflow channel)and the dissipative part of noise elimination were calculated respectively.On this basis,the simulated value TLs of the noise elimination of each arrayed elements silencer was obtained by thefinite element method.The octave band correction function for the noise elimination of dissipative part,Nf,was obtained byfitting the values of(TLs-TL1)/TL2 at all 1/1 octave bands.The modified model for calculating the theoretical value of noise elimination was TL′t=TL1+TL2·Nf.As an example,the calculation model of noise elimination for arrayed elements dissipative silencers with different structures and sizes was established when theflow resistance of porous sound absorbing material is 11425 Pa·s/m2.It was testified by actual measurement results that the absolute error between modified theoretical values and measured values of noise elimination at each octave band was less than 3 dB.When theflow resistance of sound absorbing materials differs significantly from the values given in the example,the calculation models of noise elimination should be determined based on the method proposed in this study.
作者 赵亚林 蒋浩杰 马建刚 王绿 方庆川 翟国庆 ZHAO Yalin;JIANG Haojie;MA Jiangang;WANG Lyu;FANG Qingchuan;DI Guoqing(State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute,Xian 710100,China;College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;Shenzhen Zhongya Mechanic and Electric Industry Co.,Ltd,Shenzhen 518031,China)
出处 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1264-1270,共7页 Journal of Applied Acoustics
基金 国网陕西省电力有限公司科技项目(5226KY20001J)。
关键词 阵列式阻性消声器 消声量 计算模型 Belov公式 Arrayed elements dissipative silencers Noise elimination Calculation model Belov formula
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