

Infuence of Trade Liberalization on Import and Export Behavior of Heterogeneous Enterprises--Quasi-natural Experiment Based on China's Entry into WTO
摘要 随着贸易自由化程度的加深,我国的贸易结构和生产结构发生了相应变化,从以往自给自足的经济模式向利用比较优势进行投入生产转变。借助我国加入WTO这一准自然实验,将产品和企业分为了一般贸易和加工贸易两组,采用倍差法检验了加入WTO对我国企业进出口两端的不同影响。结果表明,在我国加入WTO后,进口加工贸易产品的质量水平上升更快,出口一般贸易产品的质量水平提高更多。另外,企业资本来源越集中,越有利于其在贸易自由化上升后,扩大其进出口规模。 With the deepening of trade liberalization,China's trade structure and production structure have undergone corresponding changes,from the previous self-sufficient economic model to the use of comparative advantages for production.With the aid of the quasi-natural experiment of China's entry into WTO,this paper divides products and enterprises into two groups:general trade and processing trade,and examines the different effects of China's entry into WTO on the import and export ends of Chinese enterprises by adopting the method of double difference.The results show that after China's entry into WTO,the quality level of imported processing trade products has increased faster,while the quality level of exported general trade products has increased even more.In addition,the more concentrated the capital sources of an enterprise,the more beneficial it will be to expand its import and export scale after the rise of trade liberalization.
作者 刘帷韬 揭昊 Liu Weitao;Jie Hao(Institute of International Commerce Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences,Guangzhou Guangdong 510410)
出处 《对外经贸》 2023年第11期18-23,共6页 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS & TRADE
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“粤港澳大湾区构建具有国际竞争力的现代产业体系研究”(项目编号:20&ZD085) 广东省哲学社会科学规划2022年度学科共建项目“构建统一大市场背景下城市营商环境格局演变、影响因素及机制检验:基于时空双维度的实证研究”(项目编号:GD22XYJ29) 广州市哲学社科规划2023年度课题“广州深化营商环境创新试点城市建设研究--基于‘互联网+政务服务’平台的互动治理视角”(项目编号:2023GZYB84) 2022年度清远市科技计划项目“清远市现代产业体系的构建与评价研究”(项目编号:2022KJJH080) 2023年度清远市哲学社会科学规划重点课题“数智赋能清远市战略性新兴产业高质量发展研究”(项目编号:QYSK2023004) 2023年度广州市宣传思想文化优秀创新团队项目:广州金融高质量发展研究团队。
关键词 一般贸易 加工贸易 进出口产品 产品质量 产品规模 General Trade Processing Trade Import and Export Products Product Quality Product Scale
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