

Criticism on Ulrich Brand's Theory of Imperial Mode of Living
摘要 在当代资本主义生态批判群像中,布兰德的帝国式生活方式理论是独树一帜的。帝国式生活方式是一种霸权性生产、分配、消费方式和文化范式,它产生于对全球资本主义外部空间的持续剥削,对资本主义社会生态变革构成了严重阻碍,唯有实现一定的社会生态转型才能实现对其的超越。布兰德帝国式生活方式理论因缺乏阶级分析立场、忽视资本主义生产方式根源,以及囿于资本主义制度的革命道路选择而显示出批判与重构的局限性。只有坚定不移走人与自然和谐共生的中国式现代化道路,加快形成绿色低碳的生产方式和生活方式,才能从根本上化解生态危机,解决人与自然的和谐共生问题。 In the group of ecological criticisms of contemporary capitalism,Brand's theory of the imperial mode of living is undoubtedly unique.As the central concept of Brand's ecological critique of capitalism,the imperial mode of living is a hegemonic mode of production,distribution,consumption and a cultural paradigm.It arises from the continuous exploitation of the external space of global capitalism and constitutes a serious obstacle to the ecological transition of capitalist society,which can only be surpassed by certain social-ecological transformations.Brand's theory of the imperial mode of living shows the inherent limits of criticism and reconstruction because of the lack of class analysis,the neglect of the source of the capitalist mode of production,and the choice of the revolutionary path trapped in the capitalist system.Only by remaining committed to the Chinese path to the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature and accelerating the formation of green and low-carbon ways of production and life can we fundamentally achieve the transcendence of the imperial mode of living,truly resolve the ecological crisis to promote harmony between humanity and nature.
作者 杨慧民 杨丽丽 Yang Huimin;Yang Lili
出处 《马克思主义理论学科研究》 CSSCI 2023年第10期92-101,共10页 Studies on Marxist Theory
基金 教育部全国高校思政课建设项目“全国高校思政课名师工作室(大连理工大学)”(21SZJS21010141)阶段性成果。
关键词 布兰德 帝国式生活方式 团结的生活方式 绿色低碳生产生活方式 Ulrich Brand imperial mode of living solidary mode of living green and low-carbon ways of productionand life
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