
不同压力下蒸煮处理对鹰嘴豆淀粉结构及理化特性的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Cooking Treatments under Different Pressures on the Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Chickpea Starch
摘要 本研究以鹰嘴豆淀粉为原料,分别使用常压蒸制、常压煮制、高压蒸制、高压煮制处理20 min,通过理化指标测定,X射线衍射、红外光谱分析以及微观结构观察,探究4种常用热处理方式对鹰嘴豆淀粉晶体有序结构、颗粒结构和理化特性的影响。结果表明:蒸制处理保留了鹰嘴豆淀粉完整的颗粒结构,偏光十字现象明显并且仍为C_(A)-型晶体,相对结晶度从31.4%(原淀粉)分别降低至25.5%(常压蒸制)、20.4%(高压蒸制),峰值黏度、最低黏度、最终黏度、衰减值、回生值降低,凝沉特性分析结果表明易老化程度趋势为:高压蒸制>常压蒸制>原淀粉。煮制对鹰嘴豆淀粉颗粒结构和晶体结构造成严重破坏,煮制鹰嘴豆淀粉相对结晶度分别为5.9%(常压煮制)、3.6%(高压煮制),黏度下降并且糊化后没有明显的凝沉现象。此外,高压对鹰嘴豆淀粉结晶结构的破坏程度更严重,但是常压处理、高压处理样品之间的颗粒形貌、偏光十字现象、官能团等均无明显差异。本研究结果可为鹰嘴豆淀粉资源的开发利用提供理论依据和指导,对丰富鹰嘴豆淀粉基础理论具有一定意义。 In this study,chickpea starch was treated with atmospheric pressure steaming,atmospheric pressure boiling,high pressure steaming or high pressure boiling for 20 min.The effects of the four common heat treatment methods on the ordered crystal structure,particle structure and physicochemical properties of chickpea starch were investigated through the determination of physicochemical parameters,X-ray diffraction spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy and microstructure observation.Results showed that the granular structure of chickpea starch was completely preserved after steaming treatment.It exhibited birefringence under polarized light and its crystal structure was still type C_(A).After boiling at atmospheric and high pressure,the relative crystallinity decreased from 31.4%to 25.5%and 20.4%,respectively.Moreover,the peak viscosity,though viscosity,final viscosity,breakdown value and setback value decreased.The degree of retrogradation of chickpea starch after heat treatments was as follows in decreasing order:high pressure steaming>atmospheric pressure steaming>native starch.The granular structure and crystal structure of chickpea starch were damaged seriously after boiling treatment.The relative crystallinity was 5.9%and 3.6%after boiling at atmospheric and high pressure,respectively,and the viscosity decreased.The treatment starch showed no obvious retrogradation after gelatinization.In addition,the crystal structure of chickpea starch was damaged more seriously after high pressure treatment,while there was no significant difference in granular morphology,birefringence or functional groups between the samples treated by atmospheric and high pressure.The results of this research can provide a theoretical basis and guidance for the development and utilization of chickpea starch and are of significance for enriching the basic theory of chickpea starch.
作者 雷宁宇 卢楹 宋萧萧 殷军艺 LEI Ningyu;LU Ying;SONG Xiaoxiao;YIN Junyi(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources,China-Canada Joint Laboratory of Food Science and Technology(Nanchang),Key Laboratory of Bioactive Polysaccharides of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330047,China)
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第15期80-86,共7页 Food Science
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项(2018YFE0108300)。
关键词 鹰嘴豆淀粉 蒸制 煮制 结晶结构 理化特性 chickpea starch steaming boiling crystal structure physicochemical properties
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