

Safety Risk Assessment of Street Trees in Taiyuan
摘要 为提高人们对城市行道树安全风险意识,保护居民的生命财产安全,促进行道树与城市和谐共生发展,本文以目测为主,辅以木槌、改锥、pH计等简易工具依次开展一级和二级树木安全调查,评估太原市城区38条道路胸径≥10 cm乔木的安全风险,并分析其潜在影响因子。共调查了11 451株行道树,其中优、良、差和极差树分别占51.20%、44.93%、3.10%、0.77%,出现树皮损伤/腐朽和落枝危险性问题比例最高。安全风险等级评估后得出太原市共有168株极高风险树、135株高风险树、104株中风险树、11 044株低风险树。整体而言,太原市行道树多为新种植的幼龄树,安全风险均较低,但树种结构单一。在太原市二级调查树木中,对安全风险影响较大的因素主要有交叉部位异常、阻碍交通、蛀干害虫/病害、残桩/大枝剪口,在实际工作中要重点关注。本文采用的目测评估法简单易行,适合城市大规模行道树安全风险的初步评估,建议相关部门与数字化管理技术相结合,科学监测树体安全,并加强巡视工作,防患于未然。 To raise the awareness of safety risks of urban street trees,protect the residents'lives and properties,and promote the harmonious and symbiotic development of street trees and the city,through visual evaluation and supplemented by simple tools such as mallets,cones and pH meters,this paper assessed the safety risks of street trees with DBH(diameter at breast height)≥10 cm on 38 roads in Taiyuan,and analyzed their potential influencing factors.A total of 11451 street trees were surveyed,of which 51.20%,44.93%,3.10%and 0.77%were excellent,good,poor,and extremely-poor trees,respectively,with the highest proportion of bark damage,decay and branch loss problems.The safety risk level assessment revealed there were a total of 168 extremely-highrisk trees,135 high-risk trees,104 medium-risk trees,and 11044 low-risk trees in Taiyuan.Overall,most of the street trees in Taiyuan were newly planted young trees,with low safety risks,but with a single species structure.The main factors affecting the safety risk of further investigation in Taiyuan were the abnormal intersection,obstructing traffic,trunk-boring insects/diseases,and stump/pruning wounds,which should be paid special attention to in practical work.The visual assessment method adopted in this study was simple and feasible,suitable for the preliminary assessment of urban large-scale street tree safety risks.It was suggested that relevant departments should combine digital management technology to scientifically monitor tree safety and strengthen patrol work to prevent it in the future.
作者 乔红雍 袁涛 李擘 QIAO Hongyong;YUAN Tao;LI Bo(Beijing Key Laboratory of Ornamental Plants Germplasm Innovation&Molecular Breeding,National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture,Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment,Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding in Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants of Ministry of Education,School of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;Taiyuan Gardens Bureau Greening Management Division,Taiyuan 030002,China)
出处 《内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第3期26-33,共8页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 行道树 树木安全风险 目测评估法 风险等级 主成分分析 Street trees Tree risk Visual evaluation method Risk level Principal component analysis
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