“myi 1ha”一词在敦煌古藏文文献中共出现18次,对于其词义学界众说纷绘、尚无定论,对该词词义的正确解读直接影响着对完整文本内容的理解。文章通过梳理敦煌藏文写卷P.T.1047、ITJ763、ITJ740、ITJ738中出现的“myi 1ha”一词,结合国内外前辈学者对其词义的不同解读,通过与民间仪轨文本的对比,对“myilha”一词的词义作了较为全面的考释。指出敦煌文献中的“myilha”在后期的仪轨文中已演变为“mi la”,但作为非人的厉鬼类的一种鬼怪之名,“mila”与厉鬼(vgong po)、损耗鬼(bse rag)、女鬼(mo vdre)、台乌让(thevurang)、小恶鬼(chung sri)等一起出现,其功能从敦煌文献到民间仪轨文,一直没有发生变化。主要指偷走人和牲畜的福气,会带来误解、疾病、冰電、寒霜、害虫、饥荒、战争、仇视、邪念、不吉利等危害。所以有专门解“mi la”危害的仪轨“gong bkar”,民间将其作为独立的小仪轨,或作为其他仪轨的一小部分使用。“mila”一般有九兄弟,称作“mi la spun dgu”、“mi la vgong po spun dgu”,或“mi la srid pavi vdre dgu”,有mi la兔子头、mi la毛驴嘴、mi la动物脸、mi la狗头、mi la山羊头、mila儿童身、mi la妇女身、mila猪鼻九种。另外,根据米拉日巴不同传记中对其家族姓氏来源的分析,可知米拉日巴的姓氏“mi la”与作为厉鬼的“mi la”有一定关联,乃因其祖上调伏了当地危害人的厉鬼“mi la”而得后人赞颂,之后代代相传,名字前便冠以“mila”作为姓氏。青海等地区民间流传的“mi tsi tsi”主要危害小孩,这种鬼故事很可能与“mi la九兄弟”中的“mi la儿童身”有关。
Myilha(myi Iha in Tibetan)found 18 time in Dunhuang document,namely,14 times in Dunhuang document P.T.1047 preserved in Paris,one time in Dunhuang document ITJ738 and one time in Dunhuang document ITJ740,and two time in Dunhuang document ITJ763 preserved in England.However,there are no commonly accepted definition of the term,Myilha.This article discusses the definition of Myilha in analyzing the orientation of Myilha found in Dunhuang document,the various perspectives suggested by different scholars,the connotations used in folk rituals,Myilha's relation with family name Mila(mi la in Tibetan),and the relation with Mila Tsitsi(mi la tsi tsi in Tibetan)occurred in folk story.Your author suggests that the term Myilha is written as Mila in the later ritual documents and shares same connotation with the family name of Mila Raipa and Mila Tsitsi found in folk stories.
Ngakwang Gyatso;Jikche Tsering(North-west Minzu Research Centre,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,747000)
Journal of Tibet university