

Metrological and Visualized Analysis of Literatures for Mobile Medical Service Detachment
摘要 目的 系统梳理机动卫勤分队领域研究热点、发展趋势和整体研究现状。方法 以中国知网(China national knowledge infrastructure, CNKI)数据库为数据来源,通过CiteSpace可视化知识图谱计量分析软件和NoteExpress文献管理软件,对作者机构、关键词、高频术语进行追踪,进行定量分析,绘制可视化图谱。结果 本研究共纳入文献710篇,刊发于74种期刊。关键词共现分析图谱中共统计516个关键词节点,产生1173条共现连线,被分为14个关键词群。出现频率较高的关键词为:机动卫勤分队、野战医疗所、野战医疗队、卫勤保障、军队医院、训练、建设、信息化、高原、卫生装备、模块化。突现词分析发现,2004~2007年研究高频热点词汇主要是“军队医院”“建设”等,2008~2009年研究热点主要是“抗震救灾”“信息化”等,2013年以后研究热点主要集中在“高原”“野战医疗队”“基地化训练”。结论 对机动卫勤分队相关文献进行计量分析,有助于了解该领域研究现状,为卫勤理论研究和学科发展提供借鉴和参考。 Objective To systematically summarize the research hotspots, development trends and overall research status of mobile medical service detachment. Methods The China national knowledge infrastructure(CNKI) database was used as the data source, and the authors′ institutions, keywords and high-frequency terms were tracked, the quantitative analysis was conducted and visual maps were drawn by the CiteSpace visual knowledge map metrological analysis software and NoteExpress literature management software. Results A total of 710 articles were included in this research which were published in 74 journals. A total of 516 key words nodes were counted in the key word co-occurrence analysis graph, resulting in 1173 co-occurrence connections, which were divided into 14 key words group. Mobile medical service detachment, field medical station, field medical team, medical support, military hospital, training, construction, information, plateau, medical equipment, modularization were key words with high frequency. Emergent word analysis found that the high-frequency words in the research from 2004 to 2007 were mainly "military hospital", "construction", etc;the high-frequency words in the research from 2008 to 2009 mainly included "earthquake relief", "informatization", etc;the high-frequency words in the research after 2013 were "plateau", "field medical team", "base training". Conclusion Quantitatively analysis of the relevant literatures on mobile medical service detachment may contribute to comprehensively understand the current research state in this field and provide meaningful suggestions to improve the development of medical service theoretical research and the comprehensive capabilities of military medical service.
作者 余智操 刘聪聪 刘超产 张刚 邱亮 YU Zhicao;LIU Congcong;LIU Chaochan;ZHANG Gang;QIU Liang(Department of Air Force Health Service Training Base of People's Liberation Army,Air Force Military Medical University,Xi'an Shaanxi 710032,China)
出处 《联勤军事医学》 CAS 2023年第9期788-792,共5页 Military Medicine of Joint Logistics
基金 空军军医大学军事医学提升计划(2020JSTS03)。
关键词 文献计量分析 可视化分析 卫勤保障 机动卫勤分队 Metrological analysis of literatures Visualized analysis Medical support Mobile medical service de-tachment
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