

A New Exploration of Cao Pi's Theory of"Qiqi"(齐气)and Its Literary Geography Criticism Paradigm
摘要 从文学地理学的理论视域出发,提出曹丕的“齐气”说属于文学地理批评,且具有范式意义;唐代李善《文选》注中,结合班固《诗经·齐风》具有“舒缓之体”之说,注解“齐气”就是“言齐俗文体舒缓”,当代自范宁等一些学者撰文对李善此注提出反驳意见,也遭到不少学者的反批评,形成诸多争议性的解释。通过研究,在赞同《文选》李善之注基本不误的研究结论的基础上,进一步分析曹丕《典论·论文》关于徐幹与王粲等作家的比较评论之内涵,并首次结合东汉李巡《尔雅》注所谓“齐其气清舒”和刘熙《释名》所谓徐州“土气舒缓”等解释,分析曹丕“齐气”说作为文学地理批评的依据、影响与意义。 Analysis from the theoretical perspective of literary geography,this paper proposes that Cao Pi’s"Qiqi"(齐气,The geographical environment,social customs,and customs of the ancient state of Qi in China,as well as the characteristics of writers’"refreshing,leisurely,slow and so on"influenced by it,are reflected in the article)theory belongs to literary geography criticism and has paradigm significance;In Li Shan’s annotation of Selected Works(《文选》)in the Tang Dynasty,combined with Ban Gu’s opinion that The Book of Songs:Qifeng(《诗经·齐风》,song and poetry of the state of Qi),which has styles of"leisurely,slow,relaxed,soothing and so on",the annotation"Qiqi"means"speaking in a leisurely,slow,relaxed and soothing style".Contemporary scholars such as Fan Ning have written articles to refute Li Shan’s annotation,which has also been criticized by many scholars,resulting in many controversial interpretations.Through research,The author of this article agrees that the annotations of Li Shan in Selected Works are basically correct,and further analyzes the connotation of Cao Pi’s comparative comments on writers such as Xu Gan and Wang Can in Criticism Thesis on Articles(《论文》)of Dianlun(《典论》,Cao Pi’s Work)".For the first time,The author combines the explanations of"Qiqi refers to the connotations of refreshing,comfortable,slow,elegant or leisurely in Li Xun’s Erya(《尔雅》)annotations of the Eastern Han Dynasty and"Xuzhou"(徐州)belongs to the characteristics of comfortable,slow,leisurely in Liu Xi’s Shi Ming(《释名》),to analyze the basis,influence,and significance of Cao Pi’s"Qiqi"theory as literary geographical criticism.
作者 陶礼天 Tao Litian
出处 《中原文化研究》 2023年第6期50-58,F0002,共10页 The Central Plains Culture Research
关键词 曹丕 齐气 文体舒缓 文学地理批评 Cao Pi Qiqi characteristics and style of writer literary geography criticism
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