

Industrial Network Deep Security Protection Technology Based on Domestic Commercial Cryptography and Strategy Collaboration
摘要 随着工业化与信息化的融合发展,工业控制网络面临的安全威胁日益增多,安全形势日益严峻。针对工控信息安全事件频发的现状,为防范相关安全风险,在研究工业网络结构与特点以及安全防护需求的基础上,设计了适用于不同场景、不同层次、不同设备,基于纵深防护和多策略协同的综合安全体系,并在典型行业工业网络中实现应用推进,形成了覆盖密码保障、多层防护、综合管控等多个维度的安全保障能力和整体解决方案。 With the integration and development of industrialization and information technology,security threats faced by industrial control networks are becoming more numerous,and the security situation is becoming increasingly severe.In view of the frequently occurred ICS information security incidents,in order to prevent related security risks,on the basis of researching the structure and characteristics of industrial networks, as well as the demand for security protection, this paper designs a comprehensivesecurity architecture based on deep protection and multi-strategy collaboration that can adapt to differentscenarios, different levels, and different devices, which is applied and promoted in typical industrialnetworks, forming a security guarantee capability and overall solution covering multiple dimensions suchas cryptography protection, multi-layer protection, and comprehensive control.
作者 刘波 赖军 李立 幸享宏 LIU Bo;LAI Jun;LI Li;XING Xianghong(No.30 Institute of CETC,Chengdu Sichuan 610041,China)
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2023年第9期56-64,共9页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 工业网络 纵深防护 国产商用密码 策略协同 industrial network deep protection domestic commercial cryptography strategy collaboration
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