
涉人工智能案件的审判难点及应对思路——基于对220件司法裁判结果的实证研究 被引量:3

Trial Difficulties and Countermeasures of Cases Involving Artificial Intelligence:An Empirical Study of 220 Judicial Decisions
摘要 通过对220件涉人工智能案件裁判结果的分析发现,现阶段涉人工智能案件法律适用存在以下突出难题:“拿来主义”的人工智能区分标准,无法契合司法实务需要;传统法院审理案件的效率较为低下;对人工智能开发者和使用者的注意义务认识不清;对用人单位以调岗为由而变相辞退员工的案件事实,缺乏深入考察;对人工智能自检等无人取证新手段,缺乏正确理解和应用;人工智能作品的权属认定存在困难;等等。破解涉人工智能的法律适用难题,应当转变思路:以创造出来的具象化(智力)成果及其风险能否被人事前预知为标准将人工智能分为工具型人工智能和智力型人工智能;推进涉人工智能案件由专业性法院管辖;对人工智能开发者和使用者注意义务的认定标准应富有弹性;要求用人单位为被迫调岗的员工划定收入大幅调降前的合理缓冲期;允许满足条件的人工智能自检报告作为证据使用;暂时将人工智能作品归入虚拟财产进行保护,并要求其在被展示时与人的作品进行区分。 Through the analysis of the judicial decisions of 220 cases involving artificial intelligence,the paper finds that there are following prominent problems in the application of law in the cases involving artificial intelligence at present.Direct reference to the differentiation criteria of artificial intelligence in the field of computer science can not meet the needs of judicial practice.The efficiency of traditional courts in hearing cases is relatively low.There is an unclear understanding of the duty of care of artificial intelligence developers and users and there is a lack of in-depth investigation into the facts of cases in which employers dismiss employees in disguised form on the grounds of job transfer.Furthermore,there is a lack of proper understanding and application of new methods of gathering evidence without people involvement such as self-inspection of artificial intelligence,and there are difficulties in identifying the ownership of artificial intelligence works.To solve these problems,we should change our way of thinking.Artificial intelligence can be divided into instrumental and intelligent artificial intelligence based on whether the concrete(inte-llectual)achievements are created or whether their risks can be predicted in advance.Cases involving artificial intelli-gence should be under the jurisdiction of professional courts.The standards for determining the duty of care of artifi-cial intelligence developers and users should be flexible.Employers are required to delimit a reasonable buffer period for the employees who are forced to be transferred before their salaries are substantially reduced.In addition,the qua-lified self-inspection reports of artificial intelligence are allowed to be used as evidence,artificial intelligence works can be temporarily classified as virtual property for protection,and they are required to be distinguished from human works during display.
作者 王新雷 秦文豪 WANG Xinlei;QIN Wenhao(School of Law,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710049,China;Law School,Xinjiang University,Urumqi Xinjiang 830046,China)
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期44-56,共13页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
基金 陕西省软科学研究项目(2020KRM006) 中国博士后基金面上资助项目(2020M683439)。
关键词 人工智能 区分标准 审判效率 注意义务 变相辞退 自检报告 作品保护 artificial intelligence differentiation criteria trial efficiency duty of care disguised dismissal self-inspec-tion report protection of works
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