

Research on the environmental impact of roof structure on heat dissipation of outdoor air conditioner units
摘要 建筑屋顶常采用屋面构架遮蔽空调室外机以达到美观效果,而其遮蔽方式往往会影响空调室外机的散热环境,导致空调能耗增加,甚至引起空调故障。本文根据屋面构架排布的不同情况,通过气流仿真模拟手段分析空调室外机运行的冷凝侧进风温度,探究满足空调高效节能运行条件的屋面构架形式,并提供相应的设计方案,以供同行借鉴参考。 The roof frame is often used to shield the outdoor unit of the air conditioner on the roof of the building to achieve a beautiful effect,and the shielding mode often affects the heat dissipation environment of the air conditioning outdoor unit,leading to an increase in energy consumption of the air conditioner,and even causes the air-conditioning failure.According to the different situations of roof structure arrangement,this paper analyzes the condensing side inlet air temperature of the air conditioning outdoor unit by air flow simulation method,explores the roof frame form that meets the high efficiency and energy saving operation conditions of the air conditioner,and provides the corresponding design scheme for reference.
作者 林峰 LIN Feng
出处 《福建建设科技》 2023年第6期110-113,共4页 Fujian Construction Science & Technology
关键词 屋面构架 空调室外机 散热 进风温度 气流仿真模拟 roof frame air conditioning outdoor unit heat dissipation air inlet temperature air flow simulation
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