

Technical and Tactical Analysis of Chinese Team in the 2023 World Women's Volleyball League Final
摘要 振兴“三大球”是我国振兴体育、实现体育强国梦想的重要工程,排球项目作为“三大球”之一,在我国已有一百多年的发展历史,尤其是女子竞技排球得到了较大发展。中国女排在2023年世界女排联赛上夺得银牌,这是中国队在世界女排联赛改制后所获的最佳战绩[2]。本文采用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计、对比分析等研究方法,对2023年世界女排联赛总决赛阶段四强队伍的攻防技术和中国队战术运用情况进行统计,分析2023年世界女排联赛总决赛上中国队的技战术表现,系统比较中国女排的阵容调整与战术变化以及与对手之间存在的差异,分析中国女排技战术存在的优势与不足,展望中国女排的技战术发展前景。研究结果表明:(1)中国队发球稳定性强但得分率低;(2)二传发挥稳定但存在失误现象;(3)进攻端失误率较低但队员发挥起伏较大;(4)接发球有明显进步但失误率高;(5)拦网技术较欠缺且发挥不稳定;(6)队伍整体表现团结,战术丰富且配合默契。 Revitalizing the“Three Balls”is an important project for China to revitalize sports and achieve its dream of becoming a sports power.As one of the“Three Balls”,volleyball has a development history of more than 100 years in China,especially women's competitive volleyball,which has been fully developed.The Chinese women's volleyball team won a silver medal in the 2023 World Women's Volleyball League,which is the best record the Chinese team has achieved since the restructuring of the World Women's Volleyball League.This article uses literature review,video observation,mathematical statistics,and comparative analysis to analyze the offensive and defensive techniques of the top four teams in the 2023 World Women's Volleyball League Finals,as well as the tactical application of the Chinese team.It analyzes the technical and tactical performance of the Chinese team in the 2023 World Women's Volleyball League Finals,and systematically compares the lineup adjustment and tactical changes of the Chinese women's volleyball team,as well as the differences between them and their opponents,identify the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese women's volleyball team's technical and tactical development,and provide prospects for the future development of Chinese women's volleyball team's technical and tactical development.The results show that the Chinese team has strong serving stability but low scoring rate;The second pass is stable but there are errors;The error rate on the offensive end is low,but the players'performance fluctuates greatly;There is significant progress in receiving the serve,but the error rate is high;Blocking technology is relatively lacking and unstable in performance;The overall performance of the team is united,with rich tactics and tacit cooperation.
作者 文愉嘉 余蓉晖 Wen Yujia;Yu Ronghui(School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,China)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2023年第10期10-13,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 排球 技战术分析 中国女排 volleyball technical and tactical analysis Chinese women's volleyball team
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