
里必矿主斜井揭煤综合防突技术实践 被引量:1

Practice of comprehensive outburst prevention technology for uncovering coal in main inclined shaft of Libi Mine
摘要 里必矿主斜井揭3号煤层区域瓦斯含量高、瓦斯压力大,为突出危险区,需采取综合防突措施。采取区域抽采防突措施时,施工导硐作为抽采钻场,解决了抽采钻孔施工场地受限问题,并采用掏穴扩孔、截流抽采钻孔、预留储水储渣空间等工艺,抽采后瓦斯含量从19.56 m^(3)/t降至4.94~7.76 m^(3)/t。同时通过法距5 m前区域验证、法距2 m前揭煤验证、金属骨架加强支护、“过煤门”远距离爆破等一系列措施,顺利揭开3号煤层。针对主斜井“过煤门”阶段长,远距离爆破不能一次揭开3号煤层的问题,采用钻屑指标法进行了9个循环的煤层段掘进工作面突出危险性预测,每次预测工作面无突出危险性后,实施掘进作业,顺利通过煤层。里必矿主斜井揭煤综合防突技术解决了突出矿井斜井施工的技术难题,为国内外突出矿井斜井揭煤提供了技术参考。 The main inclined shaft of Libi Mine has high gas content and high gas pressure in the No.3 coal seam area.It is a dangerous area for outburst,and comprehensive outburst prevention measures need to be taken.When regional extraction and outburst prevention measures are taken,the construction pilot tunnel is used as the extraction drilling field,which solves the problem of limited construction site of extraction drilling.The gas content after extraction is reduced from 19.56 m^(3)/t to 4.94-7.76 m^(3)/t by using the techniques of hole expansion,closure of extraction drilling and reservation of water and slag storage space.At the same time,the No.3 coal seam was successfully uncovered by a series of measures such as regional verification before 5 m normal distance,coal uncovering before 2 m normal distance,strengthening support of metal skeleton,and long-distance blasting of'coal gate'.Aiming at the problem that the main inclined shaft has a long stage of'crossing the coal gate'and the long-distance blasting can not open the No.3 coal seam at one time,the drilling cuttings index method was used to predict the outburst risk of the heading face in the coal seam section of 9 cycles.After each prediction of no outburst risk in the working face,the heading operation was carried out and the coal seam was passed smoothly.The comprehensive outburst prevention technology of main inclined shaft uncovering coal in Libi Mine solves the technical problems of inclined shaft construction in outburst mine,and provides technical reference for inclined shaft uncovering coal in outburst mine at home and abroad.
作者 杨刚 白军军 连英立 郝国强 安峰江 Yang Gang;Bai Junjun;Lian Yingli;Hao Guoqiang;An Fengjiang(Shenyang Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,China Coal Science and Industry Group,Fushun 113122,China;China Coal Huajin Group Jincheng Energy Co.,Ltd.,Jincheng 048299;Shenhua Geological Exploration Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100011;School of Mining and Surveying and Mapping Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,China)
出处 《煤炭与化工》 CAS 2023年第10期137-140,共4页 Coal and Chemical Industry
基金 河北省自然科学基金生态智慧矿山联合基金项目(E2020102036)。
关键词 主斜井 揭煤 煤与瓦斯突出 main inclined shaft uncovering coal coal and gas outburst
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