
全球价值链下我国隐形冠军企业形成过程的多案例研究 被引量:1

A Multi-case Study on the Formation Process of Hiddenchampion Enterprises in Global Value Chains
摘要 在双重劣势情境的限制下,一部分本土中小供应商仍能在全球价值链中快速成长为隐形冠军企业,并得到了学界和业界的广泛关注。然而,鲜有文献对此进行深入诠释。本文选取我国3家隐形冠军企业作为案例研究对象,解析了在全球价值链中隐形冠军企业的形成过程以及其中的关键因素。研究发现:(1)关系嵌入深度是隐形冠军企业在全球价值链特定生产制造环节中获得持续性竞争优势的关键因素。(2)拓展利基市场广度是隐形冠军企业在利基市场中快速获得市场领导地位的关键因素。(3)关系嵌入深度和拓展利基市场广度的循环促进机制为隐形冠军企业在全球价值链中不断升级发展提供可持续动力。同时,本土独特的情境特征是两类关键因素产生的根本原因。本文不仅丰富了隐形冠军和全球价值链的相关文献,也为我国其他中小供应商在全球价值链中摆脱低端锁定困局、成为竞争优势显著的隐形冠军企业提供了重要启示。 Under the restriction of double disadvantage context,local small and medium-sized suppliers can still quickly form hidden-champion enterprises in global value chains(GVCs),which has gained wide attention from academia and industry.However,there are few in-depth interpretations in the literature.Taking 3 Chinese hidden-champion enterprises as the research object,this paper analyzes the formation process and key factors of hidden-champion enterprises in GVCs,and builds a theoretical model of the formation process of hidden-champion enterprises in GVCs.The results show that:(1)Relationship-embedded depth is a key factor for hidden-champion enterprises to quickly gain sustainable competitive advantages in the specific manufacturing link of GVCs.(2)Niche-market breadth is a key factor for hidden-champion enterprises to quickly gain market leadership in the niche market.(3)The circular development mechanism of relationship-embedded depth and niche-market breadth provides sustainable power for the rapid formation and upgrading of hiddenchampion enterprises in GVCs.Moreover,the unique local situational characteristics are the fundamental reasons for the emergence and smooth implementation of relationship-embedded depth and niche-market breadth.The contributions of this paper are as follows:(1)It explores the formation process of hiddenchampion enterprises in GVCs under the restriction of double disadvantage context,making up the theoretical gap in the dynamics of hidden-champion enterprises.(2)It reveals the role of global-leading enterprises and hidden-champion enterprises on the GVC governance structure,and the dynamic nature and high complexity of GVC governance,deepening the relevant theories of GVC governance.(3)It reveals the rapid formation and upgrading path of hidden-champion enterprises in GVCs,providing a useful reference for future exploration of more complex upgrading trajectories of enterprises in emerging countries.The conclusions also provide important enlightenment for other small and mediumsized suppliers in China to get rid of the low-end locking dilemma,and quickly form hidden-champion enterprises with strong competitive advantages in GVCs.
作者 贾依帛 苏敬勤 张雅洁 Jia Yibo;Su Jingqin;Zhang Yajie(School of Economics and Management,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116081,China)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 北大核心 2023年第10期35-50,共16页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(21&ZD134) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2023M730466)。
关键词 隐形冠军企业 形成过程 关键因素 全球价值链 案例研究 hidden-champion enterprises formation process key factors global value chains case study
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