

Research on Wu Dacheng's Thought of Military Training
摘要 吴大澂是晚清著名的学者、官员和军队统帅。他精通古文字和篆刻,以金石学和古文字学造诣而享有盛誉;他勇于任事乐于实践,以赈灾、治河、勘界活跃于晚清政坛;他热衷洋务关心时局,由帮办吉林防务步入军旅,成为书生戎马、文臣领兵的典型。19世纪80年代吴大澂在统兵带兵的实践中,形成了独具特色的练兵思想。在练兵宗旨方面,他提出了以势御侮的建军构想,既反对挑起边务纠纷,又反对削弱防军力量;在军队整肃方面,他提出了严禁兵痞作风的治军主张,从训诫和惩处两方面着手治理吸毒、游荡、空额吃饷等恶习;在军队武装方面,他提出了器用尚新的装备理念,主张从外国购买最先进的美德后膛枪炮武装军队;在军队操练方面,他独崇枪法,认为只要枪法精准就能先发制人,形成了枪法准头至上的训练思维。吴大澂的练兵思想,既有学习西方与时俱进的进步性,也有只知武器不知兵事,只知枪法不知战术,只知引进利器不知发展本国军工技术的局限性。他并没有练出一支能御侮的军队,其练兵思想也未能指导晚清东北军队实现近代化的转型。 Wu Dacheng was a famous scholar,official and military commander in the late Qing Dynasty.He was proficient in ancient characters and seal carving,and enjoyed a high reputation for his achievements in epig-raphy and palaeography.He had the courage to serve and was willing to practice,and was active in the political arena of the late Qing Dynasty with disaster relief,river management,and boundary surveying.He was keen on Westernization and cared about the current situation.He stepped into the military from the assistant manager of Jilin Defense,and became a typical example of scholar soldiers and civil officials leading the army.In the 1880s,wu Dacheng formed his unique military training thoughts in the practice of commanding and leading troops.In terms of the purpose of training troops,he put forward the idea of building an army by using power to defend a-gainst insults.He not only opposed provoking a dispute over border affairs,but also weakening the defense force.In the aspect of army purging,he put forward the idea of strictly prohibiting the ruffian style of the army,and started to control the vices such as drug abuse,wandering,and empty pay from the aspects of admonition and punishment.In terms of military armament,he proposed a new equipment concept,advocated buying the most advanced American and German breech guns from foreign countries to arm the troops.In terms of military drills,he only admired marksmanship,and believed that as long as marksmanship is accurate,he can preempt others,and he had formed a training mindset that marksmanship comes first.Wu Dacheng's thought of military training not only has the progressiveness of learning from the west to keep pace with the times,but also has only knowl-edge of weapons but not military affairs,only knowledge of marksmanship but not tactics,and only knowledge of the limitations of introducing sharp weapons but not developing domestic military technology.He did not train an army capable of defending against insults,and his military training thoughts failed to guide the transformation of modernization of the northeastern army in the late Qing Dynasty.
作者 张丽 张晓刚 Zhang Li;Zhang Xiaogang(School of Marxism,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China;College of History and Culture,Changchun Normal University,Changchun 130032,China)
出处 《晋阳学刊》 2023年第6期63-71,共9页 Academic Journal of Jinyang
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“晚清筹边大臣与中俄界务交涉研究”(项目编号:18BZS111)。
关键词 晚清 吴大澂 练兵思想 the late Qing Dynasty Wu Dacheng military training thought
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