

Will Chinese Tastes Become Increasingly Spicy:A Study Based on the Dissemination Power of Local Dishes and the Diversity of Foreign Local Dishes
摘要 近年来口味偏辣的菜品在中国越来越受欢迎.研究中国不同口味的地方菜的传播,揭示偏辣口味菜品越来越受欢迎的原因.分析中国除港澳台外的31个省级行政区的餐饮服务POI数据,运用辛普森(Simpson)多样性指数和传播力指数分析每个省本地菜和外来菜的数量关系,研究中国15类地方菜餐厅的空间分布及其影响因素.结果表明:传统口味越辣的省份菜品多样性越低,口味越甜的省份菜品多样性越高;偏辣口味的菜品传播力度更大,偏甜口味的菜品传播力度相对较小.该研究结果说明:辣味偏好会让一个地区对其他口味菜品的接受度降低;而偏辣口味的菜品更容易在传统上口味不辣的省份传播,特别是传统口味偏甜的地方更容易接受辣味菜.因此,可以认为,将来人们对辛辣食物的偏好将会持续存在,随着流动性加强,这种变化甚至会加快,更多的中国人的口味偏好将会越来越辣.本研究结果,对于餐馆菜品选择甚至辣椒产业的未来发展趋势分析都具有借鉴意义. In recent years,dishes with spicy flavors have become increasingly popular in China.In this paper,we examine the spread of different flavors of local dishes in China and reveals the reasons for the increasing popularity of spicy dishes.This paper analyzes the POI data of catering services in 31 provincial-level administrative regions in China except Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan.We use Simpson’s diversity index and dissemination index to analyze the quantitative relationship between local and foreign dishes in each province and study the spatial distribution and influencing factors of 15 types of local cuisine restaurants in China.The results show that:the diversity of dishes is lower in provinces with spicier traditional tastes and higher in provinces with sweeter tastes;the spread of dishes with spicy preferences is stronger,and the spread of dishes with sweet preferences is relatively smaller.The results of this study suggest that:spicy preference makes a region less receptive to other flavors of dishes;and dishes with spicy flavors are more likely to spread in provinces that traditionally do not have spicy flavors,especially in places with traditionally sweet flavors that are more receptive to spicy dishes.Therefore,it can be assumed that people’s preference for spicy food will persist in the future,and this change will even accelerate as mobility intensifies.More Chinese people’s taste preferences will become increasingly spicy.The results of this study have implications for the selection of restaurant dishes and even for the analysis of future development trends in the pepper industry.
作者 惠红 廖苓滟 张仁军 唐兵 HUI Hong;LIAO Lingyan;ZHANG Renjun;TANG Bing(School of Management,Chongqing University of Technology,Chongqing 400054)
出处 《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期120-126,共7页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金(20BGL150)。
关键词 地方菜 传播力 多样性 食辣度 食甜度 local dishes dissemination power diversity spiciness sweetness
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