

The United States and the Introduction of the Four-Power Declaration During World War Ⅱ
摘要 第二次世界大战期间,罗斯福总统提出由美、英、苏、中四大国担任“世界警察”,负责维护国际安全。美国国务院认为四大国合作对于重构战后秩序至关重要,建议敦促四大国就安全合作和创建战后国际组织签署一项宣言。在国际主义浪潮席卷全美和轴心国败局已定之际,美国通过推动四大国审议并签署美国所拟四强宣言,暂时获得了苏联加入战后国际合作的承诺,确立了中国的四强地位,促使英苏中认同美国对战后秩序的设想。宣言的出台,是美国主导构建以联合国为核心的战后国际秩序中的重要步骤。中国进入四强也并不是别国的恩赐,而是国际社会对中国为世界反法西斯战争作出巨大贡献的认可。 During World War II,President Franklin D.Roosevelt proposed that the United States,Britain,the Soviet Union,and China should act as"four policemen",responsible for maintaining international security.The U.S.Department of State believed that cooperation among the four powers was essential to reconstructing the postwar order and proposed to urge the four powers to sign a declaration on security cooperation and the creation of a postwar international organization.When the tide of internationalism swept across the United States and the defeat of the Axis was certain,the United States,by pushing the four powers to discuss and sign the Four-Power Declaration proposed by the United States,temporarily obtained the Soviet Union's commitment to join the post-war international cooperation,established China's position as one of the four powers,and prompted Britain,the Soviet Union and China to agree on the American vision of the postwar order.The introduction of the Four-Power Declaration was an important step in the US-led post-war international order,with the United Nations at its core.China's status as one power was not a gift from other powers,but a recognition by the international community for China's great contribution to the anti-Fascist War.
作者 胡德坤 彭梅 HU Dekun;PENG Mei
出处 《历史教学问题》 2023年第5期69-78,203,共11页 History Research And Teaching
基金 国家社会科学基金“抗日战争研究专项工程(滚动)项目”(16KZD020)阶段性研究成果。
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