
中国参与亚太区域价值链合作模式的特征事实与未来选择 被引量:1

Facts and Future Choices of Cooperation Mode of China's Participation in Value Chain of Asia-Pacific Region
摘要 文章采用全球价值链参与度指标从纵向维度考察亚太国家在全球价值链中的角色,并从贸易合作模式、价值链合作模式、价值链合作程度三个视角,构建“三维一体”价值链合作模式指标体系。研究发现:亚太各国在全球价值链中参与度存在显著行业和时期异质性,中国、美国、日本等大型经济体价值链参与度相对较低,中小型经济体的价值链参与度不断提升;中国与亚太国家以价值链合作、直接和浅度价值链合作为主,以非价值链合作、间接和深度价值链合作为辅;农林牧副渔业和采矿业以间接、浅度价值链合作为主;制造业以直接、浅度价值链合作为主,中端技术产业直接价值链合作度远高于低端和高端技术产业;服务业以浅度价值链合作为主,与东盟国家的服务业直接价值链合作度大于间接,与非东盟国家直接价值链合作度小于间接。 This paper investigates the role of Asia-Pacific countries in GVC from the vertical dimension by using GVC participation degree index and constructs a"three-dimensional"value chain cooperation mode index system from three perspectives of trade cooperation mode,value chain cooperation mode and value chain cooperation degree.The research shows that:there is significant industry and temporal heterogeneity in the participation degree of Asia-Pacific countries in GVC with the relatively low participation degree of large economies such as China,the United States and Japan in value chain and the increasing participation degree of small and medium-sized economies in value chain;China and Asia-Pacific countries are mainly engaged in value chain cooperation as well as direct and shallow value chain cooperation with non-value chain cooperation as well as indirect and deep value chain cooperation as the supplement;agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,side-line production and fishery industries as well as mining industry rely mainly on indirect and shallow value chain cooperation;manufacturing industry relies mainly on direct and shallow value chain cooperation,and direct value chain cooperation degree of mid-end technology industries is much higher than that of low-end and high-end technology industries;service industry relies mainly on shallow value chain cooperation,and direct value chain cooperation degree of service industry with ASEAN countries is higher than indirect value chain cooperation degree,while direct value chain cooperation degree of service industry with non-ASEAN countries is lower than indirect value chain cooperation degree.
作者 成新轩 宋长钰 CHENG Xinxuan;SONG Changyu
出处 《国际经贸探索》 北大核心 2023年第10期60-79,共20页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(22&ZD178) 国家社会科学基金一般项目(20BGJ029) 2022年度雄安新区哲学社会科学课题(XASK20221002) 河北省研究生创新资助项目(CXZZBS2023021)。
关键词 亚太地区 价值链合作模式 价值链参与度 特征事实 未来选择 Asia-Pacific region value chain cooperation mode participation degree in value chain facts future choices
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