
基于Web of Science数据库的国际罕见病诊疗协作研究热点的可视化分析

Visual analysis on research hotspots in international rare diseases diagnosis and treatment collaboration based on Web of Science database
摘要 目的 分析2013-2022年国际罕见病诊疗协作领域研究现状和热点问题。方法 检索Web of Science数据库中罕见病诊疗协作相关文献,应用Citespace软件从发文量、研究机构、国家、关键词等方面进行可视化分析。结果 共有460篇有效文献被纳入分析,发文量总体上呈波动上升趋势,美国的发文量遥遥领先。罕见病诊疗协作热门关键词如“children(儿童)”、“management(管理)”、“registry(登记/注册)”频次均超过10,中心性都大于0.1。关键词突现显示“electronic health record(电子健康档案)”是近年来罕见病诊疗协作领域研究的前沿热点。结论 我国罕见病诊疗协作起步较晚,与国外相比仍存在差距。因此需要借鉴国外研究成果,进一步探索和完善符合我国实际情况的罕见病诊疗协作机制。 Objective To analyze the current status of research and hot issues in the field of international rare diseases diagnosis and treatment collaboration from 2013—2022.Methods The literature related to collaboration in rare diseases diagnosis and treatment were searched in Web of Science database,and Citespace software was used to conduct visual analysis in terms of the number of publications,research institutions,countries,and keywords.Results A total of 460 valid articles were included in the analysis,and the number of publications generally showed a fluctuating upward trend,and the United States leading the way.The popular keywords of rare diseases diagnosis and treatment collaboration were“children”,“management”and“registry”,all of them appearing more than 10 times,and their centrality is greater than 0.1.The results of the keyword emergence showed that“electronic health record”is a hot topic of research in the field of rare diseases diagnosis and treatment collaboration in recent years.Conclusions Rare diseases diagnosis and treatment collaboration in China started late and there is still a gap compared with foreign countries.Therefore,it is necessary to learn from foreign research results and further explore and improve the collaborative mechanism of rare diseases diagnosis and treatment in accordance with the actual situation in China.
作者 方硕文 徐灵烽 任晓晴 卢曼曼 Fang Shuowen;Xu Lingfeng;Ren Xiaoqing;Lu Manman(School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei,Anhui 230032,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2023年第16期1506-1513,共8页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
基金 2022年度合肥市哲学社会科学规划项目研究成果(HFSKQN202252) 2022年度安徽医科大学医院管理研究所“国医科技”开放项目研究成果(2022gykj08)。
关键词 罕见病 诊疗协作 可视化分析 CITESPACE Rare disease Collaboration in diagnosis and treatment Visual analysis Citespace
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