

From Coastal Fortress to Trade Center Town:Spatial Morphology Evolution of Pinghai Fortress during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 平海所城作为广东首批省级历史文化名城,其六百多年的演变过程为了解明清时期军事建制、渔盐贸易影响下所城聚落空间形态发展规律提供了良好的样本。以明清时期平海所城空间形态为研究对象,借助地方志、军事史、盐业史等文史资料中记载的相关信息,结合现场调查中的实体空间样本和现场访谈,重点关注其从明初的军事防御形态向清朝时期商贸形态的转变过程。从历时性的角度,以明清时期的主导功能为线索对所城空间形态演变进行时段划分,通过空间特征分析和演变规律总结,分析以明代军事防御体系、清代盐业与商贸发展作为主导机制对所城形态的影响,并总结其营城思想和智慧,对海岸带的城市发展、海洋型遗产保护和振兴提供科学依据。 The evolution of Pinghai Fortress as one of the first provincial historical and cultural cities in Guangdong offers an effective sample for understanding the spatial morphology development of settlements under the influences of military systems and the fishing/salt trade during the Ming and Qing dynasties.In this study,the spatial morphology of Pinghai Fortress during the Ming and Qing dynasties was discussed based on relevant historical data(e.g.,chorography,military history,and salt industry history)by exploring physical space samples and field survey interviews.Focus was given to Pinghai Fortress'transition from a military defense town in the early Ming dynasty to a commercial town in the Qing dynasty.Diacronically,the spatial and morphological evolution of Pinghai Fortress was categorized into distinct time periods according to the dominant functions during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Based on analysis of spatial features and a summary of evolution patterns,this study discusses how military defense systems during the Ming Dynasty and the salt industry and commerce development during the Qing Dynasty influenced the morphology of Pinghai Fortress.Furthermore,the city management strategies,ideas,and wisdom are summarized,aiming to provide scientific references for coastal urban development as well as contribute to the preservation and revitalization of maritime heritage.The study is divided into three sections.The first section discusses the siting features of Pinghai Fortress during the early Ming Dynasty based on military defense needs.It summarizes siting principles by evaluating distances,elevations,slopes of coastal defense,and spatial relationships with salt fields in Guangdong.The second section analyzes the spatial morphology of Pinghai Fortress during the early Ming Dynasty.It evaluates external military structure,overall layout,internal street patterns,internal functional attributes,and the barracks'spatial morphological features from macro and micro perspectives.The third section explores the transition of Pinghai Fortress from military defense to trade center during the mid to late Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.The corresponding evolution of the internal and external spatial morphology of Pinghai Fortress was analyzed,from the overall macroscopic spatial morphology of settlements to the mesoscopic spatial morphology of streets in and out of the city,and then to microscopic internal spatial functional features.Results show that the leading macroscopic role of Pinghai Fortress transited gradually from military defense in the Ming Dynasty to trade in the Qing Dynasty,which was the major influencing factor of internal and external spatial morphological evolution.The evolution process also carries diversified cultural values.Pinghai Fortress is a well-preserved coastal defense city in Guangdong and its spatial morphological evolution reflects the typical development trajectory of coastal fortresses.On the meso-level,Pinghai Fortress was founded on barren land.Stationed troops and relevant policies played an important role in its development,and could facilitate formation and growth of surrounding agriculture and salt industry settlements.Typically,research on coastal cities pay particular attention to their relationships with surrounding industrial settlements.Microscopically,due to space limitations,settlements in small cities similar to Pinghai Fortress usually break the city wall restriction and expand outward.In particular periods,out-of-city settlements become the major direction of development.In settlements of sea defense fortresses,streets and buildings broke the neighborhood system spatial morphology formed by military needs in the early Ming Dynasty.However,the block skeleton formed by cross main streets and major lanes continues to influence the spatial distribution development in the city.
作者 潘莹 金一鸣 施瑛 PAN Ying;JIN Yiming;SHI Ying
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期32-40,共9页 South Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(51978275):基于文化地理学的岭南汉民系传统聚落景观的特征、区划与机制研究。
关键词 空间形态演变 海防卫所 滨海墟市 平海所城 spatial morphology evolution coastal defense fortress coastal market Pinghai Fortress
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