

A Preliminary Exploration of Chao County in Anhui Province in the Early Days of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
摘要 废除封建土地制度,是新民主主义革命的历史任务,也是中华人民共和国成立初期恢复和发展国民经济的基本条件。抗美援朝战争前后,根据上级统一部署,巢县县委领导广大农民群众有步骤地进行了土地改革。巢县的土地改革大体上可以分为三个阶段:1950年9月初至1950年底为第一阶段,选择典型乡开展土改试点工作;1950年底至1951年6月底为第二阶段,土改工作在全县铺开;1951年7月至1951年12月底为第三阶段,对土改中出现的问题进行复查纠偏。虽然土改中不可避免地出现了一些问题,但及时得到纠正,保证了土改工作的顺利进行。巢县的土地改革,改变了农村地区的封建土地关系,促进了农村经济发展,巩固和壮大了乡村基层政权和自治组织。 Abolishing the feudal land system is one of the historical tasks and basic programs of the New Democratic Revolution, and also a basic condition for restoring and developing the national economy in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Before and after the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, according to the unified deployment of the higher authorities, Chao County Party committee led the broad masses of farmers to carry out the Land Reform step by step. The land reform in Chao County can be divided into three stages: The first stage is from the beginning of September 1950 to the end of 1950, in which the typical villages are selected to carry out land reform pilot work. The second stage is from the end of 1950 to the end of June 1951, in which the land reform is carried out throughout the county. The third stage is from July 1951 to the end of December 1951, in which the problems occurred in the land reform are reviewed and corrected. Although some problems inevitably appeared in the Land Reform, they were corrected in time to ensure the smooth progress of the Land Reform work. The Land Reform in Chao County has changed the feudal land relations in rural areas, promoted the development of rural economy, and consolidated and strengthened the rural grass-roots political power and autonomous organizations.
作者 胡茂胜 HU Maosheng
出处 《淮南师范学院学报》 2023年第5期72-77,共6页 Journal of Huainan Normal University
关键词 中华人民共和国成立初期 安徽 巢县 土地改革 the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China Anhui Province Chao County the Land Reform
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