

Research on Countermeasures to Promote the Construction of Global Research and Development Center City
摘要 为进一步落实习近平总书记关于科技自立自强重要论述,打造具有核心竞争力的科技创新高地,长沙于2023年6月提出了“建设全球研发中心城市”定位,在致公党中央支持下,致公党湖南省委会与致公党长沙市委会联合成立了调研组,围绕“促进高水平科技自立自强,助力研发中心城市建设”这一主题,在北京和湖南两地开展调研。调研组认为,长沙打造“全球研发中心城市”和“功能布局基于全球、研发任务源自全球、研发资源来自全球、研发成果用于全球”概念的提出,不仅有利于服务我国经济增长,更有利于深耕未来科技竞争力,在我国加快实现高水平科技自立自强,推动高质量发展的关键时期正逢其时、正当其势。考虑到建设“全球研发中心城市”是一个体系化的工作,调研组建议:一是布局顶层设计,争取广泛支持;二是完善生态布局,提升整体能效;三是政策先行先试,突破体制藩篱;四是做好品牌推广,深耕影响力建设。 In order to further implement President Xi's important remarks about self-reliance and self-strength-ening in science and technology and build a high-tech innovation highland with core competitiveness,in June 2023,Changsha proposed the positioning of"building a global R&D center city".Hunan Provincial Committee of China Zhi Gong Party requested the support of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party,and jointly estab-lished a research group with the Changsha Municipal Committee of China Zhi Gong Party,focusing on the theme of"promoting the self-reliance of high-level science and technology,helping the construction of R&D center city"and carried out researches in Beijing and Hunan.The research group believes that building Changsha as a"global research and development center city"and the conceptof"function layout based on the global,research and devel-opment tasks from the global,research and development resources from the global,research and development re-sults for the global"are not only conducive to serving China's economic growth,but also conducive to deepening the future scientific and technological competitiveness,accelerate the realization of high level of scientific and techno-logical self-reliance in China.The crucial period of promoting high-quality development is at the right time.Con-sidering that the construction of"global R&D center city"is a systematic work,the research team suggested:the first is,to win wide support with the layout of the top-level design;Second,improve the ecological layout and the overall energy efficiency;The third is to try the policy first and break through the institutional barriers;Fourth,do a good job of brand promotion and deepen the construction of influence.
作者 致公党湖南省委会联合调研组 张杰 王弘毅 Joint Research Group from Hunan Provincial Committee of China Zhi Gong Party(Hunan Provincial Committee of China Zhi Gong Party,Changsha Huan Province410006,China)
出处 《中国发展》 2023年第5期52-57,共6页 China Development
关键词 全球研发中心城市 科技自立自强 四个全球 科技创新中心 Global Research and Development Center City Self-reliance and Self-strengthening in Science and Technology "Four Global" Scientific and Technological Innovation Center
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