
基于JSON的医疗信息共享通用传输构架设计 被引量:1

Design of a universal transmission framework for medical information sharing based on JSON
摘要 针对医疗信息系统中异构数据间互通、共享度低等可能带来的高对接成本、信息孤岛等问题,设计一种基于JSON的医疗信息共享通用传输构架。该构架采用medicalJSON数据格式和structJSON描述配置文件,构建了轻量级的医疗数据共享通用模型,实现了传输数据的标准化、规范化和结构化,并采用RSA非对称加密、切片压缩加密联合加密方法保障了数据传输的安全性。该构架具有数据传输配置灵活、传输效率高等特点,能够实现异构数据传输规范的一致性,降低系统间数据对接成本难度,为医疗信息系统的高效数据共享提供了新思路。 In order to solve the issues of high integration costs and information silos that may arise from low interoperability and information sharing among heterogeneous data in healthcare information systems,a general-purpose medical information shar-ing transmission framework based on JSON was designed.The framework adopts medicalJSON data format and structJSON configu-ration files to build a lightweight medical data sharing universal model,which achieves data standardization,normalization,and structuring.Additionally,RSA asymmetric encryption and slice compression encryption are used to ensure data transmission secu-rity.The framework features flexible data transmission configuration and high transmission efficiency,enabling the standardization of heterogeneous data transmission and reducing the difficulty and cost of data integration between systems,thereby providing a new approach for efficient data sharing in healthcare information systems.
作者 华南 吴玉彬 朱彦霞 Hua Nan;Wu Yubin;Zhu Yanxia(Product Innovation Support Department,Henan Zhongguang Intelligent Media Technology Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450000,China;Integrated Media Business Department,China Radio and Television Henan Network Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450000,China;Henan General Hospital,Zhengzhou 450052,China;Research and Teaching Department,Henan General Hospital,Zhengzhou 450052,China)
出处 《现代计算机》 2023年第19期65-71,共7页 Modern Computer
基金 河南省软科学研究计划项目(222400410151、222400410184) 河南省医学科技攻关计划联合共建项目(LHGJ20210261、LHGJ20220248) 河南省科技攻关项目(232102310491)。
关键词 数据传输 医疗信息共享 数据安全 异构数据 data transmission medical information sharing data security heterogeneous data
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