A production team is the basic member unit of a production brigade under the former people’s commune.It is an organized entity unit and a basic accounting unit responsible for its own profits and losses,and the place where major events happen.As a good means to record basic information about grassroots social organizations,village chronicles need to record all kinds of information on the production teams.Unfortunately,some published village chronicles in Shanghai failed to record or just recorded a little information on the production teams,resulting in the omission of important content of the production teams and the lack of main economic data.They cannot reflect the major events and milestones in the villages and will inevitably lead to a decrease in the value of village chronicles as a kind of historical material and a fall in their func⁃tion of preserving history.Village chronicles of Shanghai shall be compiled under the guidance of the Plan for Compilation of Township,Sub-district,Village and Professional Chronicles in Shanghai(2017-2025).They shall provide details omit⁃ted in the district and county chronicles,record major events,preserve economic data,record the process of urbanization,and make clear the relationship between production teams,natural villages,village groups,and village enterprises,so as to leave more grassroots historical information for rural society.
Shanghai Chronicles
compilation of village chronicles
production team
major event
economic materials
urbanization process