

A case report of external fixation stent in canine tracheal collapse
摘要 气管塌陷是造成气管狭窄的原因之一,是一种进行性且不可恢复的上呼吸道疾病,常见于小型犬成年期或老年期,临床中常采用气管内支架治疗。1只气管塌陷患犬呼吸困难,有喘鸣音,采用保守治疗未见好转,综合临床检查、血液检测、超声及X射线检查结果判定为Ⅲ级气管塌陷;采取在颈段与胸腔入口处植入气管外支架的治疗方案,5 d后临床症状消失,复诊气管形态正常,未发现气管塌陷处异常,预后良好。结果表明,该方法治疗效果良好,手术方案切实可行,减少了因气管内支架而发生并发症的二次损伤,可广泛推广应用于宠物临床,但胸段气管狭窄仍建议使用气管内支架。 Tracheal collapse is one of the causes of tracheal stenosis.It is a progressive and irreversible upper respiratory disease.It is common in small dogs in adulthood or old age and is often treated with tracheal stents in clinical practice.One dog with tracheal collapse had dyspnea and wheezing,which was not improved by conservative treatment.According to the results of clinical examination,blood test,ultrasound and X-ray examination,it was judged as gradeⅢtracheal collapse.The external tracheal stent was implanted at the neck and thoracic entrance.Five days later,the clinical symptoms disappeared,the tracheal shape was normal,no abnormal tracheal collapse was found at the reexamination,and the prognosis was good.The results showed that the treatment effect of the method was good,the surgical plan was feasible,and the secondary injury caused by complications caused by endotracheal stent was reduced.It could be widely applied in pet clinical practice.However,endotracheal stent is still recommended for thoracic tracheal stenosis.
作者 吴东明 王衡 潘庆山 薛琴 吕艳雪 Wu Dongming;Wang Heng;Pan Qingshan;Xue Qin;LüYanxue(Beijing Heng'ai Animal Hospital,Beijing 100192;Animal Teaching Hospital,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100192;Century City Branch of Beijing Hengai Animal Hospital,Beijing 100192)
出处 《现代畜牧兽医》 2023年第11期56-60,共5页 Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 气管塌陷 外固定支架 Tracheal collapse External fixation stent Surgical treatment
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