
性别及出生信息对法系长白猪生长性能及产肉性能影响 被引量:2

Effect of Sex and Birth Message on Growth and Meat-producing Performance of French Landrace
摘要 本文以14500余头法系长白猪的生产性能数据为研究对象,分析了性别、出生信息对生长性能及产肉量的影响。结果表明,性别、出生季节、初生重、出生胎次、出生同窝活仔数对长白猪的生长性能和产肉量影响显著。其中,性别影响:初生重、出生同窝活仔数、终测眼肌面积、全程日增重公猪组分别比母猪组提高0.69%(P<0.01)、0.58%(P<0.05)、1.46%(P<0.01)、1.95%(P<0.01);出生胎次、终测背膘厚、全程料重比母猪组分别比公猪组提高5.09%(P<0.01)、3.16%(P<0.01)、8.61%(P<0.01)。出生季节影响:全程日增重,春季和夏季分别比秋季、冬季提高1.10%(P<0.01)、1.31%(P<0.01)、0.98%(P<0.01)、1.18%(P<0.01);全程料重比,秋季分别比春季、夏季、冬季提高18.99%(P<0.01)、8.05%(P<0.01)、4.83%(P<0.05),冬季和夏季分别比春季提高13.50%(P<0.01)、10.13%(P<0.01);终测背膘厚,冬季和秋季分别比夏季提高0.75%(P<0.05)、0.66%(P<0.05);终测眼肌面积,夏季分别比春季、秋季、冬季增大1.33%(P<0.01)、0.45%(P<0.01)、1.03%(P<0.01),秋季分别比春季、冬季增大0.88%(P<0.01)、0.58%(P<0.01),冬季比春季增大0.29%(P<0.05)。出生胎次影响:全程日增重,1-2胎的1组最高,其次是3-5胎的2组,分别比6胎及以上的3组提高3.96%(P<0.01)、3.69%(P<0.01);全程料重比,1组、2组分别比3组提高7.26%(P<0.01)、5.65%(P<0.01);终测背膘厚,3组分别比1组、2组提高1.69%(P<0.01)、1.88%(P<0.01);终测眼肌面积,1组分别比2组、3组增大0.53%(P<0.01)、2.20%(P<0.01),其次是2组比3组增大1.67%(P<0.01)。初生重影响:全程日增重,初生重为1.2 kg及以下的1组最高,分别比1.2~1.5 kg的2组、1.5 kg以上的3组提高1.38%(P<0.01)、1.65%(P<0.01);终测背膘厚,2组、3组分别比1组提高2.49%(P<0.01)、2.40%(P<0.01);终测眼肌面积,3组最大,分别比1组、2组增大0.48%(P<0.01)、0.45%(P<0.01)。出生同窝活仔数影响:全程日增重,15头及以上的3组最高,其次是11-14头的2组,分别比10头及以下的1组提高4.09%(P<0.01)、3.52%(P<0.01);全程料重比,1组最高,分别比2组、3组提高5.84%(P<0.05)、7.51%(P<0.01);终测背膘厚,3组最厚,分别比1组、2组提高0.94%(P<0.01)、1.60%(P<0.01);终测眼肌面积,3组最大,分别比1组、2组提高2.19%(P<0.01)、1.08%(P<0.01),其次2组较大,比1组提高1.09%(P<0.01)。 This paper takes the production performance data of more than 14500 French Landrace pigs as the research object,and analyzes the effects of sex and birth information on growth performance and meat production.The results showed that gender,birth season,birth weight,birth order,and litter size had significant effects on the growth performance and meat yield of Landrace pigs.Among them,the sex effect showed that the birth weight,the number of live litters at birth,the final eye muscle area,and the whole daily gain of the boar group were respectively 0.69%(P<0.01),0.58%(P<0.05),and 0.58%(P<0.05)higher than the sow group 1.46%(P<0.01),1.95%(P<0.01);birth parity,final measured backfat thickness,and whole feed weight ratio of sow group were 5.09%(P<0.01)and 3.16%higher than boar group respectively(P<0.01),8.61%(P<0.01).The influence of birth season showed that the whole daily weight gain was increased by 1.10%(P<0.01),1.31%(P<0.01),0.98%(P<0.01),and 1.18%(P<0.01)in spring and summer than in autumn and winter respectively;Compared with spring,summer and winter,the weight ratio of the whole process is 18.99%(P<0.01),8.05%(P<0.01),4.83%(P<0.05)in autumn,and 13.50%in winter and summer(P<0.05)than in spring.0.01,10.13%(P<0.01);the final backfat thickness in winter and autumn increased by 0.75%(P<0.05)and 0.66%(P<0.05)respectively compared with summer;the final eye muscle area in summer was higher than that in spring,autumn and winter increased by 1.33%(P<0.01),0.45%(P<0.01),1.03%(P<0.01),and autumn increased by 0.88%(P<0.01)and 0.58%(P<0.01)than spring and winter respectively(P<0.01),and it increased by 0.29%in winter than in spring(P<0.05).The effect of birth order showed that the whole daily weight gain was the highest in group 1-2,followed by group 2 with 3-5,which were 3.96%(P<0.01)and 3.69%higher(P<0.01)and 3.69%(P<0.01);the weight ratio of the whole process,group 1 and group 2 increased by 7.26%(P<0.01)and 5.65%(P<0.01)respectively compared with group 3;Group 1 increased by 1.69%(P<0.01),1.88%(P<0.01);in the final measurement of eye muscle area,group 1 increased by 0.53%(P<0.01)and 2.20%(P<0.01)compared with group 2 and group 3 respectively,followed by group 2 increased by 1.67%compared with group 3(P<0.01).The effect of birth weight showed that the whole daily weight gain was the highest in group 1 whose birth weight was 1.2 kg and below,which was 1.38%(P<0.01)and 1.65%(P<0.01);the final backfat thickness in the 2nd and 3rd groups was 2.49%(P<0.01)and 2.40%(P<0.01)higher than that of the 1st group respectively;the final measurement of the eye muscle area was the largest in the 3rd group,respectively,2 groups increased by 0.48%(P<0.01),0.45%(P<0.01).The effect of the number of live litters at birth showed that the daily gain in the whole process was the highest in the 3 groups of 15 and above,followed by the 2 groups of 11-14 pigs,which were 4.09%higher than the 1 group of 10 and below(P<0.01),3.52%(P<0.01);the ratio of material to weight in the whole process was the highest in group 1,which was 5.84%(P<0.05)and 7.51%(P<0.01)higher than that in group 2 and group 3 respectively;thicker than that of group 1 and group 2,respectively increased by 0.94%(P<0.01)and 1.60%(P<0.01);the final eye muscle area was the largest in group 3,which was increased by 2.19%(P<0.01)compared with group 1 and group 2 respectively,1.08%(P<0.01),followed by group 2,which was 1.09%higher than group 1(P<0.01).
作者 郭建凤 牛月波 杜玉诗 郝贤旺 GUO Jianfeng;NIU Yuebo;DU Yushi;HAO Xianwang(Shandong Key Laboratory of Animal Disease Control and Breeding,Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science,Jinan Shandong 250100,China;Key Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Multi-omics of MARA;Heze Hongxing Original Pig Breeding Co.,Ltd.;Anchi(Shandong)Animal Nutrition Research Institute Co.,Ltd.)
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2023年第6期18-25,共8页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 长白猪 性别 出生信息 生长性能 产肉性能 Landrace pig sex birth information growth performance meat production performance
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