
高职院校畜牧兽医专业课程思政教学设计与实施--以《动物病理》课程为例 被引量:3

Design and Implementation of Ideological and Political Teaching in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges--Taking"Animal Pathology"as an Example
摘要 动物病理主要是研究动物疾病的发生、发展规律及疾病过程中机体代谢、功能和形态结构变化的一门学科。本文以高职畜牧兽医专业核心课程—《动物病理》为例,剖析了在教学过程中理论联系实际,形态与机能相结合,宏观与微观并重,全身与局部相统一,为学习兽医临床专业课打好坚实的理论基础。在课程讲解的过程中,一方面,通过不断探索创新课程思政基本理念,更加注重学生的家国情怀的培养,引导学生以强农兴农为己任,培养“爱农、为农、兴农”的社会主义建设者和接班人,树立把论文写在祖国大地上的意识和信念,增强学生服务农业农村现代化、服务乡村全面振兴的使命感和责任感,培养知农爱农创新型人才;另一方面,通过教学方式创新,探索“感—悟—做—思—拓”五段式思政教学流程,体现教师主导,学生主体的职业教育基本理念,能把思政元素,深入内化成学生的基本素养,变空洞的元素为具体的内涵,使思政教育达到润物细无声的效果。 Animal pathology is mainly a subject that studies the occurrence and development of animal diseases and the changes in metabolism,function and morphological structure of the body during the disease process.This article takes"Animal Pathology",the core course of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine in higher vocational colleges,as an example.We analyzed the integration of theory with practice,the combination of form and function,the combination of macro and micro,and the unity of whole body and part in the teaching process,laying a solid theoretical foundation for the study of veterinary clinical professional courses.In the process of course explanation,on the one hand,by constantly exploring and innovating the basic ideological and political concepts of the course,more attention is paid to the cultivation of students'family and country feelings,guiding students to take strengthening agriculture and promoting agriculture as their own responsibility,and cultivating"loving,serving,and promoting agriculture""The builders and successors of socialism.We establish the awareness and belief of writing papers on the land of the motherland,enhance students'sense of mission and responsibility to serve the modernization of agriculture and rural areas,and the overall revitalization of the countryside,and cultivate innovative talents who know and love farmers;on the other hand,through innovative teaching methods,Explore the five-stage ideological and political teaching process of"feeling-understanding-doing-thinking-exploration",reflecting the basic concept of vocational education led by teachers and dominated by students.This can deeply internalize the ideological and political elements into the basic literacy of students,turn the empty elements into specific connotations,and make ideological and political education achieve the effect of moistening things silently.
作者 段会勇 苏兴民 DUAN Huiyong;SU Xingmin(Taishan Vocational and Technical College,Tai'an Shandong 271000,China)
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2023年第6期76-79,84,共5页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 动物病理 课程思政 教学设计 实施策略 animal pathology course ideology and politics teaching design implementation strategy
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