

The Main Features,Evolution and Future Prospects of the Research on Global Academic Leaders
摘要 随着高等教育治理现代化上升为国之重要战略,构建具有中国特色世界一流的大学学术领导者发展成为了我国高教界亟待探索的重要命题。为了勾勒全球学术领导者研究的结构化知识图谱,助力中国本土学术领导者研究与实践,以Web of Science数据库近二十年的论文为研究对象,运用文献计量学和科学知识图谱等方法,分析全球学术领导者研究的主要特征、演进脉络与未来展望。结果显示:学术领导者研究随着各国对高等教育国际竞争力的重视而逐渐增加,美国、英国和澳大利亚的研究机构与学者成为主要研究力量,在职业发展、学术领导力、女性、监督支持、学术领导者与大学发展的关系、角色转变等方面出现研究热点。学术领导者研究经历初步发展和深入发展两个时期,未来将会更加趋向集管理、学术与创新一体化发展。 With the modernization of higher education governance and the rise of talent power in the new era as a major strategy of our country,building a world-class academic leader with Chinese characteristics has be-come an important proposition that needs to be explored urgently in the field of higher education in China.In or-der to outline the structured knowledge map of global academic leaders’research and help Chinese local aca-demic leaders’research and practice,this paper uses methods such as bibliometrics and scientific knowledge map to analyzes the main characteristics,evolution and future prospects of global academic leaders’research on the basis of papers in the web of science database for the past 20 years.The results show that the research on ac-ademic leaders has gradually increased with the attention paid by various countries to the international competi-tiveness of higher education.Research institutions and scholars in the United States,Britain and Australia have become the main research forces,and research hot spots have emerged in career development,academic leader-ship,women,supervision and support,the relationship between academic leaders and university development,and role change.The research on academic leaders has gone through two periods as initial development and in-depth development.In the future,it will be more integrated with management,academia and innovation.
作者 吕光洙 石淼 衣建华 Lv Guangzhu;Shi Miao;Yi Jianhua(College of Education Science,Huizhou University,Huizhou 516007;.2.College of Education Science,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110034)
出处 《山东高等教育》 2023年第5期78-85,共8页 Review of Higher Education
基金 广东省教育科学规划课题(高等教育专项)“比较视野下粤港澳大湾区大学学术领导者发展模式的构建与实现路径研究”(2022GXJK341) 惠州市哲学社会科学规划重点课题“科教兴市战略下地方本科院校博士人才引育现状及对策研究”(HZ2023ZD016)。
关键词 学术领导者 主要特征 演进脉络 未来展望 academic leaders main features evolution future outlook
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