

An Analysis of the Sense of the Chinese Nation as one Community Embodied in Mongolian-Tibetan Lenten Journal
摘要 抗日战争初期,南京国民政府蒙藏委员会创办的《蒙藏旬刊》在塑造中华民族共同体意识方面发挥了重要历史作用。该刊创办正值“九一八”事变发生、蒙藏边疆危机严峻之时。《蒙藏旬刊》积极向蒙藏地区人民揭示中华民族正面临生死存亡危机,宣扬“五族一家、公忠爱国、复兴中华民族、安危与共、精诚团结、救国自强、开发西北、巩固边陲”等理念。尽管《蒙藏旬刊》所宣扬的“五族共和”具有历史局限性,但该刊高举“中华民族”大旗,号召蒙藏人民团结御侮,捍卫国家主权,激发了中华民族的自信心和凝聚力,在中华民族共同体发展史上,仍有其重要历史价值。 The Mongolian-Tibetan Lenten Journal,formed by the Mongolian-Tibetan Committee of the Nanjing National Government at the start of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,played a historical role in consolidating the sense of the Chinese nation as one community.The journal was formed during the September 18 Incident,when there was a crisis on the Mongolian and Tibetan borders.The Mongolian-Tibetan Lenten Jour⁃nal revealed to the people of the Mongolian and Tibetan regions that the Chinese nation is facing a life-or-death crisis and promoted the ideas of"the five ethnic groups are one family,Common Loyalty and patriotism,revital⁃ization of the Chinese nation,sharing weal and woe,sincere unity,saving the nation and strengthening itself,de⁃veloping the northwest,and consolidating the borderlands".Despite the historical limitations of the"five-ethnic republic"promoted by the Mongolian-Tibetan Lenten Journal,the journal held high the banner of the"Chinese nation",called on the Mongolian and Tibetan people to unite to resist insults and defend national sovereignty,and inspired self-confidence and cohesion of the Chinese nation,which still plays an important role in the devel⁃opment of the Chinese national community.It still has historical significance in the development of the Chinese national community.
作者 卢少鹏 Lu Shaopeng(School of Marxism,Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang,Shanxi Province 712082)
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期133-139,共7页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2018年度国家社会科学基金项目“新时代社会主义现代化西藏区域软实力建设研究”阶段性成果,项目号:18BKS099。
关键词 《蒙藏旬刊》 抗日战争初期 中华民族共同体意识 the Mongolian-Tibetan Lenten Journal The early stages of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression The sense of the Chinese nation as one community
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