

ptimization design of photocathode injector assistedby deep Gaussian process
摘要 环形正负电子对撞机(CEPC)对注入器出口处的束团的电荷量、横向发射度、纵向长度等指标提出了严格的要求,设计开发高性能的电子枪及注入器成为了重要挑战。为了得到满足指标的束流,必须同时考虑众多非线性且相互耦合的变量。基于光阴极微波电子枪,提出了一种用多目标遗传算法在高维参数空间进行搜索的方法,对束团的横向归一化发射度和纵向长度进行优化,以期将电子枪的性能发挥至极限。由于考虑空间电荷效应后的束团传输过程模拟计算非常耗时,我们构建了一个3层的深度高斯过程作为替代模型,以解决目标值计算开销大的问题。通过对影响束流横、纵向相空间演化的关键因素分析,共确定了16个几何参数和10个束流元件参数。最后,展示了对由一个L-band的常温微波电子枪、一对螺线管和一个行波加速管组成的注入器,在初始电荷量为10 nC的优化结果。在计算了8000个有效解后,观察到在两个优化目标上均表现良好的解,其对应的横向归一化发射度为19.8π·mm·mrad,束团长度(RMS)为1.0 mm,与当前的设计结果比较,横向归一化发射度压低了约70%。 The Circular Electron-Positron Collider(CEPC)has high requirements for bunch charge,transverseemittance,and longitudinal length at the injector exit.Consequently,designing a high-performance electron gun andinjector has become a challenge.To design an injector that meets the targets,many nonlinear and mutually coupledparameters need to be considered simultaneously.Therefore,we propose a method of searching in a high-dimensionalparameter space using a multi-objective genetic algorithm to optimize the normalized transverse emittance andlongitudinal bunch length,thus to maximize the performance of the electron gun.Since the full simulation of bunchtransportaion with spacecharge effect is extremly time consuming,we adopted the deep Gaussian process as ansurrogate model to solve high-dimensional parameter optimization problem.Through the analysis of key factorsaffecting the evolution of beam transverse and longitudinal phase space,a total of 16 geometric parameters and 10beam element parameters have been determined in this paper.we present a design optimization for an injectorconsisting of an L-band radio frequency electron gun,a pair of solenoids,and a traveling wave tube,with an initialcharge of 10 nC.After calculating 8000 effective solutions,we acquired a good approximation to the Pareto frontbetween two objectives.The corresponding transverse normalized emittance is 19.8π·mm·mrad,and the RMS beamlength is 1.0 mm.Compared with the design requirement,the transverse normalized emittance is reduced by about70%.
作者 孙正 辛天牧 Sun Zheng;Xin Tianmu(Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期74-81,共8页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
关键词 微波电子枪 深度高斯过程 多目标优化 替代模型 高维参数优化 radio frequency electron gun deep Gaussian process multi-objective optimization surrogatemodels high dimensional optimization
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