
论思想政治教育的网络贯通 被引量:2

On the Network Penetration of Ideological and Political Education
摘要 随着移动终端的普及与社会交往的数字化,网络日益渗透于人们的现实生活中,成为当代人生存与发展的重要时空。思想政治教育网络贯通,便是在此情境下应运而生的思想政治教育贯通新形态,是思想政治教育贯穿到网络全网民、全时空、全互动的思想价值引领活动。“网”是思想政治教育网络贯通的基础,“贯”是思想政治教育网络贯通的精髓,“通”是思想政治教育网络贯通的目的。“因网而贯”“因贯而引”“因引而通”,这三者紧密相连并层层递进,共同构成了思想政治教育网络贯通的内在逻辑。思想政治教育网络贯通具有海量性、交互性与多样性的特征,其创造了思想政治教育新样态,拓展了思想政治教育新场域,开辟了思想政治教育新边界。深入探索思想政治教育网络贯通的新形态,对于深化思想政治教育研究、推进思想政治教育创新发展,具有独特贡献和价值。思想政治教育网络贯通不仅是一个理论问题,更是一个实践问题。立足新时代、面向新征程,应通过提升话语权、赋能新媒体、破解茧房化与形成新合力,推动思想政治教育网络贯通的有效实现,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面推进中华民族伟大复兴提供坚强思想保证与强大精神力量。 With the popularization of mobile terminals and the digitization of social communication,the network has increasingly penetrated into people’s real life and become an important time and space for contemporary people’s survival and development.The network penetration of ideological and political education is a new form of ideological and political education arising in this context,and it is an ideological value leading activity that ideological and political education runs through the internet to all netizens,all time and space,and all interaction.Network is the basis of network penetration of ideological and political education,penetration is the essence of network penetration of ideological and political education,and understanding is the purpose of network penetration of ideological and political education.Relying on the network to penetrate,guiding along the direction of penetration,and making people accessible because of guidance,these three are closely linked and progressive,and together constitute the internal logic of network penetration of ideological and political education.The network connection of ideological and political education has the characteristics of mass,interaction and diversity,which creates a new pattern of ideological and political education,expands the new field of ideological and political education,and opens up a new frontier of ideological and political education.In-depth exploration of the new form of network penetration of ideological and political education has original contributions and value deepening the research of ideological and political education and promoting the innovation and development of ideological and political education.Network penetration of ideological and political education is not only a theoretical problem,but also a practical problem.Based on the new era and facing the new journey,network penetration of ideological and political education should enhance discourse power,empower new media,break the cocoon of housing,and form new forces,in order to promote the effective realization of network penetration of ideological and political education,to provide a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual strength for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 骆郁廷 余杰 LUO Yuting;YU Jie(School of Marxism,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
出处 《探索》 北大核心 2023年第6期161-172,F0002,共13页 Probe
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新时代马克思主义意识形态话语权建设研究”(22&ZD008),项目负责人:骆郁廷。
关键词 思想政治教育 网络贯通 价值引领 共识凝聚 ideological and political education network penetration value leading consensus aggregation
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