

On Mencius’Classic Hermeneutics
摘要 孟子经典诠释学思想是一个理论系统。经典诠释的宗旨是“以正辩邪”,即通过正邪之辩,“息邪说,正人心”。经典诠释的原则是“缘情解经”,即根据作者与读者的情感及意志来诠释经典。经典本义的理解方法是“以意逆志”,即以读者的情感意志去迎契而理解作者的情感意志。这种契合之所以可能,其根据乃是“人心之所同然”。诠释的具体步骤,首先是“书不尽信”的态度,即对经典的语言文字表达“存疑”;然后是“由详返约”的路径,即通过详尽的分辨与论辩,揭示经典的微言大义。经典新义的生成方式是“即文赋义”,即不仅“依文取义”,而且“托文赋义”,让经典生出新的意义。诠释的生活渊源是“知人论世”,即通过了解作者的生活来理解作者,从而理解作品。就此而论,孟子的经典诠释学思想已达到“前主体性”的境界。总之,生活造就了作者之“志”、读者之“意”,才有“以意逆志”的本义理解,才有“托文赋义”的新义生成,也才能够贯彻“缘情解经”的诠释原则,最终才能实现“息邪说,正人心”的诠释宗旨、救世情怀。 Mencius’classical hermeneutics is a theoretical system.The tenet of classic interpretation is to defeat the wrong by“the right”,that is,“to stop the wrong speech and correct the people’s minds”by discriminating the right from the wrong.The principle of classical interpretation is“to interpret classics according to emotions”,that is,to interpret classics according to the feelings and will of the author and the reader.The understanding of the original meaning of classic is“to meet the heart with the heart”,that is,to meet and understand the emotion and will of the author with that of the reader.The reason why this kind of corresponding is possible is based on“people’s hearts are the same”.The specific steps of interpretation go as follows:firstly,believing that“books cannot be trusted completely”,that is,being skeptical of the expressions in classics;then taking the path of“turning from the details to the essentials”,that is,to reveal the secret and great significance of the classics through detailed discrimination and argument.The generation of the new meaning of classics is“to give the meaning according to the text”,that is,not only“to capture the meaning from the text”,but also“to give the meaning with the text”,that is,to make classics generate new meaning.The life source of interpretation is“to understand the person through the times”,that is,to understand the author and then his or her work by understanding his or her life.In this regard,Mencius’classical hermeneutics has reached the state of“pre-subjectivity”.All in all,it is life that creates the“will”of the author and the reader.Only then can understanding the original meaning by“meeting the heart with the heart”and making classics generate new meaning by“giving the meaning with the text”be possible,the interpretation principle of“interpreting classics according to emotions”be implemented,and the interpretation tenet of“stopping the wrong speech and correcting the people’s minds”be realized to serve the world.
作者 黄玉顺 HUANG Yu-shun
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第6期36-47,171,共13页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国经典诠释学基本文献整理与基本问题研究”(项目编号:21&ZD054)。
关键词 孟子 诠释 经典诠释学 Mencius interpretation classic hermeneutics
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