
精准调频钢轨阻尼器设计及试验研究 被引量:1

Design and Experimental Study on Accurate Tuned Rail Dampers
摘要 针对钢轨阻尼器仅在较窄的频段范围内降低钢轨振动的特性,首先从理论上推导频率匹配准确性对钢轨阻尼器减振效果的影响,发现钢轨阻尼器的固有频率与钢轨振动频率匹配较好时,能够产生良好的减振效果;随后设计一种可精准调频的新型钢轨阻尼器结构,其固有频率不受夹紧力影响且对制造加工误差不敏感;最后,以5 m长钢轨1阶模态185 Hz为目标频率开展钢轨阻尼器模拟计算及试验研究,通过锤击测试和落锤测试验证该精准调频钢轨阻尼器在目标频率附近具有显著的减振效果。 Tuned Rail Damper(TRD)based on the principle of dynamic vibration absorber can only reduce rail vibration in a narrow frequency range.In this paper,the influence of frequency matching accuracy on damping effect of TRD is deduced theoretically.It is noticed that good matching between the natural frequency of the rail damper and the rail vibration frequency can yield good damping effects.Subsequently,a new type accurate frequency tunable TRD is designed.The nature frequency of the new-type TRD is independent of the clam force and the TRD is insensitive to the machining precision either.Finally,with the 185 Hz first-order modal frequency of a 5 m long rail as the target frequency,the simulation and experimental verification of the rail damper are conducted.Through the hammering test and the weight-drop test,it is identified that the accurate TRD has a significant vibration absorption effect near the target frequency.
作者 李晓露 樊永欣 尹绪超 黄承 LI Xiaolu;FAN Yongxin;YIN Xuchao;HUANG Cheng(School of Civil Engineering,Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology,Luoyang 471023,Henan,China;Luoyang SunRui Rubber and Plastics Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Luoyang 471032,Henan,China)
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期263-269,共7页 Noise and Vibration Control
基金 河南省高等学校重点科研资助项目(21B130002) 河南省科技厅科技攻关资助项目(222102320114)。
关键词 振动与波 钢轨阻尼器 调频 设计 有限元分析 轨道交通 vibration and wave rail damper frequency tunable design finite element analysis rail transit
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