

The Impact of Perception of Dirty Work Based on Morality on Employees’ Prosocial Behavior:The Mediating Effect of Guilt and Moral Reputation Loss
摘要 既有文献中,基于身体、社交或者道德的不洁工作大多以集合的形式出现,鲜有学者对单一类型的不洁工作进行针对性实证研究,因此从事基于道德的不洁工作对员工的影响尚未获得系统关注和探讨。本研究围绕道德净化理论及道德内隐理论,探讨了基于道德的不洁工作感知对员工亲社会行为的影响机制及其边界条件。以来自湖北省的一家烟草企业的487名员工为样本展开实证分析,结果显示:(1)员工的内疚感和道德信誉损失中介了基于道德的不洁工作感知与亲社会行为之间的关系;(2)道德内隐信念对基于道德的不洁工作感知通过内疚感、道德信誉损失影响亲社会行为的间接效应具有调节作用。最后本文也探讨了研究结果的意义和未来研究方向。 Dirty work,whether physical,social,or moral,appears in the existing literature in the form of collection,with few empirical researches narrowing down to a specific type of dirty work,thus the impact of engaging in dirty work based on morality on employees has not been systematically discussed.The study discusses the impact mechanism and boundary conditions of perception of dirty work based on morality on employees’prosocial behavior,with a focus on the moral cleansing theory and the moral implicit theory.The empirical analysis covers a sample of 487 employees from a tobacco company in Hubei Province,and the results show that:(1)Employees’guilt and moral reputation loss mediate the relationship between the perception of dirty work based on morality and prosocial behavior;(2)Moral implicit belief has a moderating effect on the indirect effect of the perception of dirty work based on morality on prosocial be⁃havior through guilt and moral reputation loss.Finally,this paper also discusses the significance of the research results and future re⁃search directions.
作者 张光磊 商溥雯 李铭泽 范铭钰 Zhang Guanglei;Shang Puwen;Li Mingze;Fan Mingyu(School of Management,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070)
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第9期181-193,共13页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71972149) 湖北省自然科学基金一般面上项目(2021CFB297)。
关键词 基于道德的不洁工作感知 道德净化 道德内隐 亲社会行为 perception of dirty work based on morality moral cleansing moral implicit prosocial behavior
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