

The Human Rights Dimension of Climate Change Litigation and Chinese Pathways under“Dual Carbon”Target
摘要 气候危机作为现代化进程的附着物,正在波及人类对各项基本权利的享有。如果说维护人权诉求带来的是气候变化诉讼的“人权转向”,那么,在这一转向的持续作用下,更引发人权维度在气候变化诉讼中全方位、全过程的渗透,形成一种以“人权方法”为导向的趋势。人权诉求在回应气候治理需求的过程中,尝试超越气候变化诉讼的个案救济范围,向社会整体气候政策变革的方向发展,生成一种基于人权的战略性气候诉讼。当前,此种诉讼产生的溢出效应可能质疑我国的气候政策,并对我国涉外气候司法实践产生现实影响。保证“双碳”目标内外运行畅通的前提是要合理疏通。如果说基于人权的战略性气候诉讼将成为一个既定的趋势,那么在与域外气候司法交流碰撞的过程中,我国需要挖掘共性并立足于本土气候规范基础与司法需求,将涉外气候变化诉讼作为气候司法嵌入人权考量的锚点。 The climate crisis,as a product to the process of modernization,is affecting the enjoyment of fundamental human rights.If the demand to protect human rights brings about a“human rights turn”in climate change litigation,then,under the continuous effect of this shift,it has led to the all-round and whole-process penetration of the human rights dimension in climate change litigation,forming a trend oriented by the“human rights based approach”.In response to climate governance demand,human rights claims try to beyond the scope of individual remedies in climate change litigation and develop in the direction of overall social climate policy reform,forming a strategic climate litigation based on human rights.At present,the spillover effect of strategic litigation may question China’s climate policy and has a practical impact on China’s foreign-related judicial practice.The premise of ensuring smooth operation of the“dual carbon”is reasonable unclogging.If strategic climate litigation based on human rights becomes an established trend,then in the process of exchanges and collisions with foreign climate justice,China needs to explore universality and base on the local climate normative foundation and judicial needs,and take foreign-related climate change litigation as an anchor for embedding China’s climate justice into human rights considerations.
作者 何志鹏 张昕 HE Zhi-peng;ZHANG Xin
机构地区 吉林大学法学院
出处 《北方法学》 北大核心 2023年第6期135-147,共13页 Northern Legal Science
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大专项项目“坚持统筹推进国内法治与涉外法治研究”(2022JZDZ005)的阶段性成果。
关键词 气候变化诉讼 人权 环境权 战略性气候诉讼 涉外气候变化诉讼 climate change litigation human rights right to environment strategic climate change litigation foreign-related climate change litigation
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