
行政审判体制改革的实效——基于58万份裁判文书的研究 被引量:1

The Effectiveness of Administrative Adjudication System Reform——Research Based on 580,000 Judicial Documents
摘要 通常认为,行政案件由被告所在地法院管辖,法院审判易受被告影响,导致行政诉讼功能不彰。2015年以来,法院系统尝试调整行政诉讼地域管辖,具体方案有两种:一是由外地普通法院管辖,二是利用转制后的铁路法院审理行政案件。迄今为止,改革效果缺乏充分的实证评估,两种方案孰优孰劣难下判断。文章分析了中国裁判文书网公开的2015-2019年间58万份一审行政裁判文书,研究发现:在基层法院,铁路法院的表现强于外地法院;而在中级法院,效果则相反。研究还发现,案件在铁路法院更有可能撤诉。这些发现表明,尽管外地法院和铁路法院都摆脱了被告的直接影响,但都未能脱离逐级嵌套、相互交织的条块体制。被告和法院在组织体制中相对位置的亲疏远近,决定了被告影响审判中立性的能力的强弱。这种在组织体制中的远近距离,反映了两种不同方案背后的共同原理,也解释了在不同层级中审判效果差异的原因。 Administrative cases are generally under the jurisdiction of the court where the defendant is located,so the court trial is easily affected by the defendant,leading to the malfunction of administrative litigation.Since 2015,The current reform idea is to adjust the system of regional jurisdiction.two schemes have been piloted:first,the jurisdiction of ordinary courts in other places;second,using the transformed railway courts to hear administrative cases.However,the reform effectiveness lacks sufficient empirical evaluation,and which scheme is better is not clear enough.Based on the 580,000 administrative judgment documents of first instance published by the China Judgment Document Network from 2015 to 2019,the study found that the performance of railway courts is better than that of courts in other places at the level of grass-roots courts,but the opposite is true at the level of intermediate courts.The study also found that,the railway court is more likely to make a withdrawal ruling.Although both the court in other places and the railway court have got rid of the direct influence of the defendant,it is still impossible to get rid of the hierarchical nested and interconnected tiao-kuai system.The distance between the relative positions of defendant and court in the organizational system determines the strength of defendant's ability to influence the neutrality of trial.This distance in the organizational system reflects the common principles behind the two different reform schemes and explains the reasons for their different effects at different levels.
作者 何洪全 HE Hong-quan(School of Law,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084)
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《行政法学研究》 北大核心 2023年第6期158-176,共19页 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW
基金 2021年度教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目“行政诉讼管辖体制改革的实证研究”(项目编号:21YJC820029)。
关键词 行政审判体制 铁路运输法院:行政法院 异地管辖 条块关系 组织距离 Administrative Adjudication System Railway Transport Court Administrative Court Remote Jurisdiction Tiao-kuai Relationship Organizational Distance
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